Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Airlocks (Pentominous)

(Published on 17. May 2021, 01:04 by Gliperal)

Divide the grid into pentominos (orthogonally connected 5-cell regions). Cells on either side of a given border must belong to different pentominos. Two pentominos of the same shape (including rotations and reflections) cannot share an edge.

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Hint to get started (highlight to reveal):

Considering these four large regions, how many cells can poke in/out of them? https://git.io/JsC62

Solution code: For each cell of the following lines, the letter of the corresponding pentomino: Row A, Column B

Last changed on on 2. December 2023, 08:10

Solved by Mark Sweep, stefliew, PixelPlucker, CJK, Jesper, zuzanina, Dandelo, MagnusJosefsson, emmettcito, harrison, geronimo92, shye, Nylimb, SirWoezel, uvo, michaal94, ildiko, jessica6, misko, Uhu, Gnosis66, Vebby, zhergan, OGRussHood, zorant, Studernaldo, Samish, clover, puzzler05
Full list


on 2. December 2023, 08:10 by Gliperal
Replace old broken git.io links (thanks Stef)

on 22. February 2023, 19:45 by Samish
What an absolute joy to solve! Sensationnal puzzle with a hard (but so rewarding) nut to crack

on 2. September 2021, 12:45 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 22. May 2021, 18:35 by Nylimb
Wonderful construction! I'm glad I didn't read the hint; it was much more satisfying (but slower) to figure it out for myself.

Last changed on 18. May 2021, 22:14

on 18. May 2021, 22:13 by emmettcito
This is the best standard pencil puzzle I have ever solved! Well done setting this and all of your other wonderful puzzles :D

on 17. May 2021, 03:01 by PixelPlucker

Rating:92 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Online solving tool Pentominoes

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