Sudoku at Penpa+
Normal sudoku rules apply. A cell with a grey square contains a even digit. In cages digits cannot repeat and must sum to the cage total. The cage totals are not given and need to be determined by the solver. Purple cells contain "jumping digits". A jumping digit tells, that you can reach another cage containing this digit by "jumping" x cells in one orthogonal direction, where x is the jumping digit. A jump beyond the edge of the grid continues on the other side of the grid. The jumping digits of this sudoku are jumping upstairs (i.e. they land in a cage with a total increased by exactly 1 compared to their starting cage). All jumping digits have to be different
Solution code: row 3 + row 7 (18 digits)
on 2. June 2021, 15:31 by Mad-Tyas
Sorry, forgot an important part of the rules. All jumping digits have to be different.
on 25. May 2021, 17:14 by PrimeWeasel
I think the problem with this puzzle is the possibility of digits jumping outside the grid. I mean, I know what the starting cage (probably) is and what the value is and I know what the end cage is. The cage before that has two candidates, which is fine, but after that so many possibilities start to exist because a digit can go out of the grid, that I'm just gonna give up. I really liked the reasoning behind the start, but unless I'm mistaken, I think this just has too many paths to exclude
I am really sorry. Of course without the information that jumping digits cannot repeat the puzzle doesn't work.