Standard Sudoku rules apply. Digits in each cage have the following property: The value in the top-left corner of the cage is equal to (product of all digits in the cage) divided by (sum of all digits in the cage). Digits cannot repeat within a cage.
F-puzzles link to solve online. Note that on F-puzzles, decimal points are represented by apostrophes; the custom text option would not allow periods or commas. The software also will not check the cage values, it treats the cages as purely cosmetic.
Trying out a new constraint; if you can get the hang of the format, the puzzle itself should be fairly straightforward. I would really appreciate any feedback - if there's interest, I may create more of this type of puzzle.
Apologies for the lack of German instructions; if anyone can translate, please let me know.
Lösungscode: Column 1 followed by row 9, no spaces
am 25. August 2021, 21:06 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
am 11. Mai 2021, 21:10 Uhr von DanMeehan
Nice idea. The puzzle fell apart easily after I figured out the last cage.
am 11. Mai 2021, 16:09 Uhr von Ragna
That puzzle is very very interesting. I had much fun. :-))
And yes! Please one more. Thank you.