Authorized by the author 红葉(MOMIJI), he plans to publish his hand-made standard puzzles on this website, with 1 to 2 questions per week. If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.
NurikabeRegeln: Schattieren Sie einige leere Zellen schwarz, sodass das Raster in weiße Bereiche unterteilt ist, die jeweils genau eine Nummer enthalten und denselben Bereich in Zellen wie diese Nummer haben.Zwei weiße Bereiche dürfen sich nur diagonal berühren.Alle schwarzen Zellen müssen miteinander verbunden sein, aber keine 2×2-Gruppe von Zellen kann vollständig schwarz schattiert werden.
SeeWiki linkfor an example.
Lösungscode: Die Länge der längsten durchgehenden schwarzen Zelle in jeder Reihe von oben nach unten.
am 25. August 2021, 20:38 Uhr von uvo_mod
Anfänger-Label entfernt.
am 8. Mai 2021, 17:15 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Lovely puzzle! The ending stumped me for quite a while (I'm new to nurikabe). Thanks :-)
am 8. Mai 2021, 00:01 Uhr von cdwg2000
Repaired Penpa link.
am 7. Mai 2021, 15:07 Uhr von cdwg2000
I sent an email to you, thank you for your guidance!
am 7. Mai 2021, 14:41 Uhr von swaroop2012
There is no special button. Just set the square grid with the size you want. Looks like you have correctly set the puzzle in the link you provided above.
For answer verification, you should use DG (DARK GREY) or Black color and enter the solution in Edit: Solution tab (like you do for sudokus) and then generate the URL with answer check.
am 7. Mai 2021, 14:27 Uhr von cdwg2000
I can't implement the answer verification set like the GMP website, and I can't find the button to set Nurikabe.
am 7. Mai 2021, 14:24 Uhr von swaroop2012
what guidance do you need?
It may be better to discuss more in details via email. You can send me an email at
am 7. Mai 2021, 14:19 Uhr von cdwg2000
I just saw you online, can you give me some guidance on the penpa setting of Nurikabe, thank you!
am 7. Mai 2021, 13:42 Uhr von cdwg2000
The blacked cells need to be connected together, they cannot form 2*2, and there is no loop limitation.
am 7. Mai 2021, 13:31 Uhr von Vyse
Nurikabe are one of my favorite puzzle types, so thanks for posting this!
While it's not relevant for this puzzle, isn't there also the requirement that the black cells must not form a loop?