Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hidden Identity Killers

(Eingestellt am 3. Mai 2021, 19:35 Uhr von Fluster)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply
  • Digits may not repeat in cages
  • Cages with the same size must have the same sum and cages with different sizes must have different sums
Link to f-puzzles


I enjoy puzzles that seem impossible at first. Lately I have seen a few killer sudokus with no marked cage sums and only some extra rules to help. I played with the idea of how ridiculously minimal rules could still help to solve a puzzle like this. After I realized that you could create some logic even with the rule set you see in this puzzle, I just had to work it through to a complete puzzle.

The puzzle does have a completely logical solve path from start to finish.

Lösungscode: The bottom row digits of the completed grid without spaces

Gelöst von Vebby, JohnDoeJersey, OhHeyGuysItsMax, cdwg2000, parkinson, PixelPlucker, Tilberg, emmettcito, Jesper, h0_0man, Mesmer, smckinley, Lisztes, Johannes Quack, CyberMonkey, Philipp Huber, harvard, matiasv5, Yerui, Ragna, juventino188, NikolaZ, geronimo92, Onion Suit, polar, Nylimb, qnz, mooncamlivestream, cfop, michaal94, HugoSimon, Uhu, tinounou, StefanSch, zhergan, apwelho, OGRussHood, windmill
Komplette Liste


am 13. August 2021, 16:16 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

am 18. Mai 2021, 02:07 Uhr von Nylimb
Excellent puzzle, and congratulations on getting on Cracking the Cryptic! (I figured out the cage sums quicker than Simon, but solved the resulting killer sudoku much more slowly, so he beat me overall.)

You might enjoy my 4-color killer sudoku #2 https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0005V3 , which uses some similar logic.

am 17. Mai 2021, 07:37 Uhr von Onion Suit
My algebra 2 teacher is mocking me from beyond the grave. If there's a way to have solved this without using systems of equations, I couldn't find it. Spent twice as long on the scratch pad as I did on the grid.

Truly stunning

am 16. Mai 2021, 00:03 Uhr von Philipp Huber
Amazing puzzle! Well deserved feature :)

am 10. Mai 2021, 14:16 Uhr von Johannes Quack
I just noticed, that this is your first puzzle on LMG - what a stunning debut!

am 10. Mai 2021, 14:13 Uhr von Johannes Quack
Took me ages to solve it... I found a logical solving path, but that one must have been way to complicated. Would be interested, how this was supposed to be solved. Anyway: a masterpiece!!

am 4. Mai 2021, 21:12 Uhr von emmettcito
Very nice puzzle! Loved it!!

am 4. Mai 2021, 11:00 Uhr von Tilberg
Yay! Easy-peasy! Nice logic, thank you.

am 4. Mai 2021, 10:53 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Thanks for the fun puzzle :) Crisp, simple ruleset, and an elegant resolution.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:38 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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