Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 2. May 2021, 02:09 by Bother__)

I apologize in advance I am using google translate as I am a native English speaker:

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply, along with the following constraints:

1. Arrow - Normal arrow rules apply. Digits may repeat along an arrow as long as it follows all other rules

2. Palindrome - Digits along the line form a palindrome, so the digits read the same forwards and backwards (eg 123454321) Additionally, each of the digits from 1-9 will appear on at least one palindrome

3. Kropki Rules - Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive and digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 2. Not all dots have been provided.

4. Little Killer Rules - Normal little killer rules apply

5. Digits must be in between the 2 circles.

6. Killer Cages - Digits in the marked cages must sum to the total in the upper left corner. Digits may not repeat in cages.

7. Gray Circles are odd

8. The two gray 3x3 regions must also contain the digits 1-9

I am fairly new to solving puzzles, and am really interested in solving logic. The goal here was to make a puzzle to see how the community would go about solving it. I would be interested to know what part of the puzzle you would focus on first. You can play the puzzle here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yz97cl54

Solution code: Row 9 followed by column 7

Last changed on on 2. May 2021, 02:15

Solved by Greg, Nairi, baracartas, gigglingCaduceus, Macaom, Cane_Puzzles, jchan18, Julianl, Danlej085, Sktx, cfop, ranhothchord, Cowbear, fpac, Swarley, Vyse, Fedo , jhuijts, apendleton, wenchang, jgarber, ... dmacho24, celisa, zorant, rey, BlackApolloX, kaitoJD, LittleLake, ManuH, Uhu, cdwg2000, Hecspeed, kikanya, PinkNickels, Raistlen, Drawoon, flaemmchen, chain.reader, jalebc, Schesam, zrbakhtiar
Full list


Last changed on 5. July 2022, 00:16

on 6. June 2022, 17:17 by kikanya
Kinda late to the party, but I enjoyed this puzzle quite a lot! I think the rating is slightly deceiving.

on 11. August 2021, 20:15 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 12. May 2021, 05:04 by dmacho24
The grey circles in box 9 were a little confusing but once I figured they didn't have to be odd it was a very nice puzzle!

on 2. May 2021, 23:17 by amirbeirat
Fpuzzles link here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yfohxyg3

on 2. May 2021, 02:15 by Bother__
Added Sudoku tag

Rating:80 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:10 times

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