Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Forty Six & no 2

(Eingestellt am 28. April 2021, 01:00 Uhr von TotallyNormalCat)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Numbers on a thermometer must strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.

F-puzzle link

Lösungscode: Row 8, Column 1

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von abed hawila, tallcat, polar, brandon_bot, Nairi, antiknight, Dina, cdwg2000, tenaliraman, BlackApolloX, Marcos, LKegel, Qodec, Playmaker6174, LeLoyJenkins, Isa, henter, Willy Wonka, Cowbear, wilsig, ... Just me, Carolin, Gotroch, SpecSheets, Bobbobert, P12345, Across, lmdemasi, OGRussHood, Vasefire, Salzkoernchen, erkiraak, Sewerin, sedici, lpq29743, LadyShapeShifter, valle1124, Exigus, forsen
Komplette Liste


am 10. August 2021, 16:01 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt.

am 24. Mai 2021, 21:56 Uhr von Klausku
Very nice logic with short thermos. Cool.

am 13. Mai 2021, 08:58 Uhr von Klausku
Very nice logic with short thermos. Cool.

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Mai 2021, 12:15 Uhr

am 3. Mai 2021, 12:15 Uhr von mikej
Came here to try to find a slightly more approachable TNC puzzle inspired by watching the Wave Particles solve on CtC. A logical path all the way through. Loved this one!

am 29. April 2021, 18:14 Uhr von Lizzy01
Very nice!
You might like my new puzzle too:

am 28. April 2021, 22:10 Uhr von raretypeoffox
Very creative logic! Well balanced difficulty level (hard but not frustratingly so). Enjoyed this one very much. Thanks for the puzzle :)

am 28. April 2021, 21:37 Uhr von JonnyKaufman
Thanks for the puzzle and the TOOL reference! Enjoyed solving it with a soundtrack ;)

am 28. April 2021, 21:14 Uhr von Orpheus
This thing completely kicked my butt, but what a fun ride it was. I'm not the most advanced solver so it was nice to have this challenge and be able to meet it. What an amazing puzzle!!

am 28. April 2021, 13:38 Uhr von Mr.Menace
Cool puzzle making use of nice thermo logic!

am 28. April 2021, 13:20 Uhr von Willy Wonka
Excellent puzzle!

am 28. April 2021, 12:21 Uhr von Playmaker6174
I love the symmetric in this one, so much joy and satisfaction :)

am 28. April 2021, 11:30 Uhr von BlackApolloX
That was a blast! Indeed approachable to TNC standards and very nice logic all the way through.

am 28. April 2021, 06:16 Uhr von Dina
Very fun thermo!

am 28. April 2021, 04:50 Uhr von tallcat
An approachable TNC puzzle is double the fun!!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:159 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

