Titel: XV X VX
Type: Sudoku
Link: F-puzzles link zu XV X VX Sudoku
Varianten: XV, Modifizierte VX, X
1) Normales Sudoku
3) X Sudoku
Lösungscode: Bitte geben Sie die neun Ziffern der Spalte 5 von oben nach unten ein, dann die neun Ziffern der Zeile 8 von links nach rechts. Keine Leerzeichen zwischen
am 10. August 2021, 15:48 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels Online-Solving-Tool und Variantenkombination ergänzt.
am 1. Juni 2021, 14:41 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Cool concept! Quite a mental workout to keep up with everything, especially considering the negative constraints that apply here. It was rewarding to get through it though.
The rules here and on f-puzzles differ slightly: here it states that all multiplications are given, while the rules in f-puzzles state the opposite. You might want to fix that. Also, for clarity, it might be helpful to add ', or both' to the first sentences of 2.1 and 2.2 (e.g. 'An X either sums or multiplies two adjacent cells, or both'). When I started the puzzle I wasn't sure whether this meant it could or could not be both, but looking at the solution it can be both.
Great suggestions that I will incorporate. The rest of the series is slightly different in that I change the digits to 0 through 8 to create even more possibilities and mental exercise. Thank you for solving my puzzle. ~ZH