Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Traffic Jam

(Eingestellt am 24. April 2021, 01:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Normal killer cage sudoku rules apply. Numbers must not repeat in a cage. The numbers in the cage must sum to the given total in the top left corner. Some cages are unnumbered and are not constrained to sum to a given total.

Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number shown in the circled cells.

If a number appears as the Xth cell from one end of a palindrome, it must also appear as the Xth cell from the other end.

Numbers that appear in the cells between a ratio constraint must have a ratio of the indicated number.

The number in the green cell will have the same value as the number in either the purple or pink cells. The other color can be the same value, but also can be different values.

F-puzzles link - link to solve online

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by Column 9

Zuletzt geändert am 27. April 2021, 14:02 Uhr

Gelöst von cdwg2000, subtize, SKORP17, StefanSch, Myxo, MicroStudy, isajo4002, SeveNateNine, Elliott810
Komplette Liste


am 27. April 2021, 14:02 Uhr von XeonRisq
Updated instructions to remove confusion about colored cells.

Gelöst:9 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

