Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Alley of Arrows

(Eingestellt am 19. April 2021, 13:36 Uhr von MavericksJD)

This is a hard one.

Alley of Arrows.


1. Normal Sudoku rules Apply.

2. Normal Arrow rules Apply. Digits on arrows must sum to the digit in the circle. Digits may repeat on arrows if allowed by other rules.

3. Normal Killer rules. The digits in the cage must sum to the given sum and digits must not repeat in the cage.




Use Aad Van de Wetering's Tetro Trick.

Lösungscode: Row 9, Column 9

Zuletzt geändert am 19. April 2021, 13:37 Uhr

Gelöst von katsudon1cho, henter, rimodech, ogi.djukovic, Rangsk, Quarterthru, tenaliraman, PotatoHead21, abed hawila, LKegel, TotallyNormalCat, skywalker, Inanbana, polar, cdwg2000, kkli, cfop, tinounou, SudokuExplorer, Ood, kishy72, SKORP17, KNT, Uhu, OGRussHood, 111chrisi, AvonD, zorant, PippoForte, Muhammad, valle1124
Komplette Liste


am 7. August 2021, 13:20 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt, außerdem Variantenkombination statt Standardrätsel.

am 23. Mai 2021, 06:41 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice!

am 22. Mai 2021, 18:04 Uhr von Inanbana
This was amazing! It took me a bit long to figure out but definitely worth it. Thanks for this nice puzzle.

am 20. April 2021, 16:53 Uhr von MavericksJD
@Rangsk I am Glad that you streamed your solve and liked it.

am 20. April 2021, 09:38 Uhr von Rangsk
I enjoyed solving this on stream! Thanks :)

am 19. April 2021, 17:47 Uhr von MavericksJD
@henter Glad you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. April 2021, 17:42 Uhr

am 19. April 2021, 17:42 Uhr von MavericksJD
@katsudon1cho Glad you liked it.

am 19. April 2021, 17:24 Uhr von henter
That was great, very enjoyable.

am 19. April 2021, 17:22 Uhr von katsudon1cho
Amazing break-in. I really enjoyed it!

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:31 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

