Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sun Chariot

(Eingestellt am 14. April 2021, 00:17 Uhr von Miky)

F-puzzle link

Rules :
1) Normal Sudoku Rules: each row, column, and box contain the digits from 1 through 9 with no repeats.
2) Anti-Knight Rules: Cells that are exactly a knight's move away from each other, may not contain the same digit
3) Arrow Sudoku Rules: digits along an arrow must sum to the number in its circle. Digits may repeat along an arrow if allowed by other rules
4) Killer Sudoku Rules: digits in cages sum to the total in the top left corner of the cage
5) Black dot Rules: cells sharing a black dot have a 1:2 ratio (not alls dots are given a.k.a NO negative constraint)
6) Little Killer Sudoku Rules: digits in a diagonal pointed at by an arrow, sum up to the number behind the arrow. The digits on a diagonal may repeat

Good luck!

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by Column 2 (18 digits with no spaces)

Gelöst von glum_hippo, ocaly, ogi.djukovic, Qodec, henter, NikolaZ, PulverizingPancake, abed hawila, Jodawo, TotallyNormalCat, Storm, Ragna, Aaronomys, geronimo92, stormel, thinkingalaud, cfop, michaal94, kkli, ... Uhu, Piatato, PotatoHead21, Ormstunge, polar, Krokant, zhergan, Birdy 96, Gnosis66, by81996672, Niverio, Roezaea, OGRussHood, Desemus, MrBeachHut, valle1124, JohnyK_413, han233ing, GoldenGod
Komplette Liste


am 25. Januar 2024, 17:20 Uhr von Roezaea
Incredible puzzle. Managed to solve it with a different middle-path than Simon's, a very colorful one. Thank you for setting!

am 29. März 2023, 10:32 Uhr von Jodawo
One of my all-time favorite puzzles. It also made a great video when featured by CTC by Simon. It was said to be one of the most difficults that he had done at that time. Many times you see him struggle before he finds the logic. A lot of OMG moments well worth watching. (Do pop some popcorn though, you will be there for a while.)

am 27. März 2023, 10:17 Uhr von Niverio
I watched the CTC feature of this amazing puzzle almost 2 years ago. Ever since I have been keeping this puzzle unsolved so that I can forget most of the steps needed. And while that didn't work out quite as expected as the logic is so unique and sublime (such that I didn't ever fully forget it), I still had tons of fun solving it today, as my 1000th puzzle solve. Incredible!

Zuletzt geändert am 14. April 2021, 00:32 Uhr

am 14. April 2021, 00:31 Uhr von glum_hippo
This is a beautiful puzzle. Very hard but also very satisfying as the logic flows so nicely.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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