Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Never forget where you started

(Published on 11. April 2021, 20:27 by bigger)

The idea comes fromSudokuExplorer, He explain the rules clearer, I just decalculate the rules.

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 6 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 2x3 box.

Clues outside shows the max steps the first digit in that direction takes before loop back. The digit will goes to the n-th cell where n is the digit he's on. In other words, imagine a man who looks down to check the floor. He starts at the first cell, looks down, sees a number n, goes to n-th cell, looks down again, repeat until he has nowhere new to go. He takes outside clue+1 steps to get back.

Yes, If the clue is 0, it means the first digit is 1. The clue only max out at 5, not 6.

Relax, it's not even hard.

Or Maybe a little bit.

Technically speaking, only a Chinese can see what the next puzzle is for.

These puzzles are made by Old Miles from China. Even though I'm on an idea break, if a puzzle is interesting enough and I don't have to think that much to think of an variant, and it's partially inspired by y-sum (the first variant Old Miles think I would definitely like, which is true), then I'm going to just break a little from the break. Basically, if anyone actually make a variant based on my idea or the Old Miles' idea that I like, I would definitely try to variant your variant. That's fun.

Also, I don't recall which comes last. I was going to wait for SudokuExplorer to post another one. I can only wait that long before I completely forget what I should post. Now I think of it, it should be called I'll be back in 1, or looking for 1, or back to the 1. Decidophobia. Good luck, have fun.

Solution code: Second row from the first one to the last one (24 digits)

Last changed on on 11. October 2022, 20:41

Solved by marcmees, NikolaZ
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Last changed on 13. April 2021, 01:01

on 12. April 2021, 18:51 by SudokuExplorer
Here's a penpa+ link: https://git.io/JOLBR

Btw you won't have to wait too long for the next one (it will activate tomorrow at 01:00am). I look forward to giving these a go :-)

Bigger:that's indeed Good news. The thing is that I edit puzzle on the day I post it to avoid similar variant. Also, I think it's three page down before I found the link for the teleportation cycle sum. The longer I wait, the harder it will be to find the origin(unless sort by author, assumed I remember). I have to find a way to remember where I found the idea and how I develop it also how the puzzle solve feels. So usually I wait for one of my other puzzle.

Solved:2 times
Observed:11 times

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