Augmented Triad
(Eingestellt am 8. April 2021, 14:46 Uhr von RSP)
Rules are as follows:
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Normal Little Killer rules apply: Arrows indicate the sum of the digits that appear in the diagonal they point towards. Digits may repeat along these diagonals.
You can try it out
here if you'd like.
I hope you enjoy!
Lösungscode: Row 6, Row 8
Zuletzt geändert am 8. April 2021, 14:48 Uhr
Gelöst von glum_hippo, Fedo , SKORP17, Marcos, skywalker, Cane_Puzzles, wilsig, ranhothchord, BlackApolloX, Cowbear, DiMono, NikolaZ, cfop, jchan18, Dina, SeminoleCBO, ArchonE, raretypeoffox, Kigor, zhergan, ... GBPack, BADG3RMAN, Uhu, JonnyKaufman, LKegel, piotr357, MavericksJD, Nairi, geronimo92, Kabuki73, zorant, bbplayer, zlotnleo, kalumtum, aneoid, cdwg2000, Vebby, apwelho, Wolwo, MysticMan
am 8. April 2021, 14:48 Uhr von RSP
Changed difficulty from hard to average.