Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Obvious Killer

(Eingestellt am 29. März 2021, 11:31 Uhr von filuta)

First a definition:

-a cage is an orthogonally connected region without repeats,
-a cage of size N is called obvious, if it sums to a number that can be expressed in only one way using N numbers 1-9 without repeats.

Rules of the puzzle:

Standard sudoku rules apply.

In addition, all possible 2,3 or 4-cell obvious cages that can be drawn in the finished solution are given as clues (i.e. there is a negative constraint on obvious cages) in the following sense:

Every obvious cage of size 2, 3 or 4 that appears in the finished solution is either:
1) drawn in the grid (drawn clue), or
2) represented by its total written by a small number in the upper left corner of one of its cells (total clue).

The cages may intersect.

Each total clue represents exactly one obvious cage (i.e. two overlapping cages of same total cannot be represented just by one total clue in one of their common cells).

Each cage is represented by exactly one clue.

(so for instance, in the finished solution of this particular puzzle, there are exactly 7 obvious cages of size 2, 3 or 4, three are indicated by a drawn clue and the remaining four by a total clue).

Have fun!

f-puzzles link

Lösungscode: column 5 and row 6 (without a comma or a space)

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Juli 2022, 22:00 Uhr

Gelöst von Gramor, NikolaZ, Tilberg, Kafkapharnaum, Prutsbeest, SudokuExplorer, Piatato, Phistomefel, Vebby, Steven R, Samish, polar, wullemuus, Yann, Sewerin, Sapio, The Book Wyrm, Styku, Silverstep, Sotehr, lmdemasi, roflsalot, karlmortenlunna, JayForty, psninn, NEWS, SXH, steeto, h5663454, raaaaa, yangduoxing, jinkela114514
Komplette Liste


am 14. August 2024, 13:55 Uhr von Silverstep
What a satisfying finish to this whole journey! Very impressive to set a grid like this, in the days before computer solvers.

am 25. Juni 2024, 23:28 Uhr von Styku
This was way too hard for me. Had no idea where to look. Took me half a day to finish it. Trully a monster! I have no idea how you managed to create it. I salute you!

am 20. Mai 2024, 10:52 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Very impressive puzzle. Amazed that it's possible to get a unique grid with so few clues, especially one with an interesting solve path like this.
Some pretty interesting logic in this, especially the break-in.

am 1. März 2024, 22:36 Uhr von Sapio
I think this was my very first very hard puzzle, only because I was trying to solve all the wrogn puzzles and I came across your second puzzle. This was a monster of a puzzle but I'm so glad to have slain it. The break-in was a thing of absolute beauty and the negative constraint carried all the way to the very end. It took me two tries and a combined ~4 hours of effort, but my goodness was it that much rewarding. Thank you so so much!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Dezember 2023, 18:51 Uhr

am 3. Dezember 2023, 10:30 Uhr von Yann
A masterpiece, with a negative constraint that keeps on giving, including in that magical ending, thank you for your efforts to set this !
thank you so much, Yann!

Zuletzt geändert am 25. November 2023, 09:02 Uhr

am 24. November 2023, 14:54 Uhr von wullemuus
So sparse "obvious" clues are enough- incredible! Juggling with the negative constraints made my head spinning and it needed some time to not miss any ... . The rest was easier than expected (due to the brilliant logical structure). Pure pleasure!
thanks a lot! I also just posted a link to a solve video I made a while ago, in case you are interested

Zuletzt geändert am 23. August 2022, 10:47 Uhr

am 22. August 2022, 17:06 Uhr von polar
A very original ruleset combined with flawless execution. Loved it! Setting this must have been quite the task.. Thank you for your efforts! Glad to see a rating has now popped up too :)
yeah, quite cool this one is getting all the solves lately, after all that time, and indeed, I must say no other puzzle took me probably even half of the time as this one, but it was totally worth it. I'm so happy you liked it too and thanks for your kind comment!

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juli 2022, 08:20 Uhr

am 28. Juli 2022, 04:26 Uhr von Samish
Few puzzles deserve the title of miracle sudoku more than this one. His existence is an utter satisfaction. Bravo !
Thank you so much!

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juli 2022, 20:59 Uhr

am 16. Juli 2022, 18:34 Uhr von Steven R
Absolutely magnificent, one of the best puzzles I've completed.
wow, thank you, I'm so happy you liked it so much!

am 1. Juli 2022, 22:00 Uhr von filuta
changed difficulty

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Juli 2022, 21:59 Uhr

am 1. Juli 2022, 10:04 Uhr von Vebby
Very interesting logic! 5/5 difficulty for me.
And thank you once again. And yeah, I think it is finally the time to raise it to 5 stars.

Zuletzt geändert am 4. April 2022, 19:34 Uhr

am 3. April 2022, 10:29 Uhr von Phistomefel
The break-in was just a magical piece of logic. After that, I had some problems finding the right spot to look for the very powerful, albeit subtle negative constraint. After finally discovering the right spots, I found some beautiful deductions there though. Thank you very much for setting this beauty, filuta!
And I thank you for such kind words, your comment really made my day.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. März 2022, 10:21 Uhr

am 12. März 2022, 02:08 Uhr von Piatato
Wow!!! What a masterpiece! I literally had tears in my eyes toward the end of this solve. The utter brilliance of this construction cannot be justifiably described by my words. This has to be solved to be believed!
oh, wow, thank you so much, that really means a lot to me.

Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2021, 13:45 Uhr

am 3. September 2021, 00:12 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Both puzzles were a lot of fun to solve! This one in particular was very elegant and the use of the negative constraint lead to many "aha" moments. Thanks! :-)
thanks a lot, yeah, I always thought of this puzzle as kind of epitome of negative constraint in a way

Zuletzt geändert am 20. August 2021, 12:46 Uhr

am 19. August 2021, 10:09 Uhr von Prutsbeest
To be honest, I have used bifurcation on two occasions: at the very beginning to determine which one of two paths I should use, and somewhere towards the end of the puzzle as well. But once I had started the puzzle, the logic flowed very nicely for me and it was not all too difficult anymore.
The mere fact that this puzzle has a unique solution is just mindblowing. Amazing construction indeed! Thank you!
oh, thank you so much (once) again for both the solve and the kind comment

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Juli 2021, 06:59 Uhr

am 1. Juli 2021, 06:11 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
FINALLY, I did it. My goodness, this one is mean, first I just assumed that the numbered clues had to be in the left topmost cells of a given cage (my mistake though, it does say "*one of the cells* in the rules), and then, just one mistake in repeatedly misplacing a particular digit led me to fill (almost) entire grids that couldn't be completed...

But yeah, in the end, none of that can prevent me from seeing that this is a masterpiece of a construction -- the finish to complete the grid, I mean, I have no words...

oh, wow, what a dedication, thank you so much for not giving it up! and also thanks for the comments. I must confess, this is the only of my puzzles where I knew from the beginning it's gonna be hard (and you know that means something). But really, I'm so happy you finally did it, I actually had another try on your Seer puzzle two days ago and wasn't so successful, so at least one of us made it.

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Mai 2021, 07:25 Uhr

am 1. Mai 2021, 22:45 Uhr von Tilberg
Another great puzzle. So beautiful in its minimalistic form and original, elegant ruleset. An absolute joy!

filuta: Glad you liked it. Thanks a lot!

Zuletzt geändert am 31. März 2021, 01:47 Uhr

am 30. März 2021, 22:22 Uhr von Gramor
First I could not believe that the given information is enough to solve this, but here we are :)
Beautiful logic from start to finish, thank you very much for this puzzle.

filuta: I am glad you liked it and thank you very much for such a comment (and for the solve as well, I must say, I was almost prepared to change it to a (less elegant) version with more clues, after it was getting no solves).

am 29. März 2021, 11:58 Uhr von filuta
labels changed

am 29. März 2021, 11:38 Uhr von filuta
Fixed the f-puzzles link.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:32 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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