Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Color Me Surprised

(Eingestellt am 13. März 2021, 20:18 Uhr von iostruhl)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. In cages, digits sum to the total given in the top left corner of the cage. Digits cannot repeat within a cage. Digits along arrows sum to the digit given in the bulb of the arrow. Disjoint group rules apply; that is, digits cannot repeat in the same relative position in a box.

The puzzle is also available online via F-Puzzles. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Last row, last column.

Gelöst von TotallyNormalCat, zhergan, Godrick, PixelPlucker, PetLov, cdwg2000, NikolaZ, Elliott810, cfop, misko
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am 13. März 2021, 21:16 Uhr von TotallyNormalCat
Very nice break in :)

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Lösung abgeben

