Sudoku with killer, little-killer and thermometer clues.
On thermometers digits increase from the bulb to the end. In cages digits sum to number in the upper left corner of the cage. Clues outside of the grid show sum of digits on the indicated diagonal
I made this puzzle for the 15.2. Serbian Statehood day. Digits that are not in killer cages, form Serbian cross, and digits 1,5,2 are given.
Lösungscode: Digits on big diagonal from bot-left corner to top-right corner
am 16. März 2021, 12:33 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
title adjustment
am 20. Februar 2021, 21:39 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
Hi Ryx, thanks for your comment. I'm new on this site and I don't know the exact criteria on difficulty. But I guess by a law of large numebrs(90 solves) it is closer to 1 star than 2. Stars have to be round numbers I guess :(
am 20. Februar 2021, 16:38 Uhr von Ryx
Not sure why, but I found this puzzle more difficult than 1 star, probably just me. There was easy break in stuff that I missed, kept making arithmetic mistakes and Sudoku mistakes. I restarted 3 times, but finally got it. Thanks for a (for me) challenging, yet solvable puzzle!
am 18. Februar 2021, 11:19 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
Thank you all for your nice comments. I'm now eager to work on my next puzzles. Maybe I'll make a bit more challenging puzzle next time. Thank you so much again, I am really gratefull.
am 18. Februar 2021, 10:03 Uhr von Enkerro
I enjoyed the puzzle greatly. Not too hard at all, but still worth of brain work. Thank you!
am 18. Februar 2021, 04:51 Uhr von askel083
I really enjoyed that! Thanks! It was a fun solution path.
am 17. Februar 2021, 22:51 Uhr von steelwool
Good pattern, works nicely.
am 17. Februar 2021, 21:07 Uhr von panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! :)
am 17. Februar 2021, 20:39 Uhr von wentel21
Very nice puzzle, very nice build! Cheers!!!
am 17. Februar 2021, 16:59 Uhr von SKORP17
nett gemacht !
am 17. Februar 2021, 16:27 Uhr von NikolaZ
am 17. Februar 2021, 16:26 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
Pozdrav! Hvala puno, nadam se da cu cesce praviti sudoku. Uzivao sam dok sam ovaj pravio. Moze ovo da bude lijep hobi. A i pozitivni komentati daju dodatan motiv.
am 17. Februar 2021, 15:47 Uhr von Beard Master
Pozdrav Ognjene, hvala na zadatku, i lepo je videti da nas ima. Zadatak je jako pristupačan čak i za mene kao početnika, break in sam video jako brzo pa mi se malo i posrećilo, nadam se da ćeš nastaviti praviti slagalice.
am 17. Februar 2021, 15:27 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
Hvala Branko, primljeno k znanju. Prvi put objavljujem, i ovo mi je bio prvi sudoku puzzle koji sam napravio, tako da je svaki savjet vise nego dobrodosao. Nadam se da je bilo zanimljivo resavati. Puno pozdrava!
am 17. Februar 2021, 14:54 Uhr von ogi.djukovic
I would appreciate comments about my first puzzle
Schwierigkeit: | |
Bewertung: | 82 % |
Gelöst: | 132 mal |
Beobachtet: | 9 mal |
ID: | 0005HB |