Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Challenge accepted

(Published on 10. February 2021, 15:05 by PetLov)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Orthogonally adjacent cells cannot be consecutive.

Digits on an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 5 and column 5

Last changed on on 10. February 2021, 15:33

Solved by Greg, Kigor, Sktx, Phistomefel, rimodech, bigger, rcg, Nusi, SirWoezel, zhergan, NikolaZ, kishy72, MartinR, Julianl, Mark Sweep, apendleton, apwelho
Full list


on 10. February 2021, 15:33 by PetLov
Corrected F-puzzles link

Rating:73 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:11 times

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