Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kropki Thermo Sudoku: Minimal

(Eingestellt am 25. Januar 2021, 01:31 Uhr von JivkoJ)

My second minimalistic puzzle after 00054E.


- Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- Standard Kropki rules apply. All black and white dots are given.

- Standard Thermometer rules apply.

Solve online on F-Puzzles or get longer thermometers for Easy Mode.

Solve online on F-Puzzles or get longer thermometers for Easy Mode.

HINT (Useful Property): All No-dot Kropki Sudoku boards have one distinct property: The 6 cells around the border-line between any of the 3x3 Sudoku squares have the form of 2 rows/columns of 3 digits such as (A, B, C) and (B, C, D). Here A, B, and C are different digits. Digit D may be equal to A.

Have fun solving!

Lösungscode: Row 3 + Row 7 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Januar 2021, 17:17 Uhr

Gelöst von NikolaZ, Quarterthru, cfop, fuxia, Fedo , SKORP17, Nusi, KlausRG, skywalker, zorant
Komplette Liste


am 25. Januar 2021, 17:17 Uhr von JivkoJ
Added "Easy Mode" with longer thermometers

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

Lösung abgeben

