Classic Sandwich + Quadruples Sudoku
(Eingestellt am 23. Januar 2021, 22:26 Uhr von brandon_bot)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Normal sandwich sum rules apply (the numbers located between the 1 and 9 in the row or column relevant to the clue must sum to the indicated value).
- Normal quadruple rules apply (each of the numbers in a quadruple constraint must appear in its four surrounding cells).
Happy solving!
Lösungscode: Row 5 from left to right followed by column 9 from top to bottom.
Gelöst von NikolaZ, rimodech, marcmees, Thomster, cfop, bigger, Krokant, zorant, Lisztes, Julianl, zhergan
am 24. Januar 2021, 11:26 Uhr von marcmees
tight solution path. Nice. thanks.