Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

真笑Puzzles015--Chaos Construction-- “老子” 002

(Eingestellt am 18. Januar 2021, 07:57 Uhr von cdwg2000)

Authorized by the author 真笑(洪卫华), he plans to publish his hand-made puzzles on this website, If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.I hope you can laugh innocently, really laugh every day!

Author: 真笑(洪卫华), from China, this question comes from his personal blog.

This is the 3th part of the series of dividing areas.

“老子” Sudoku
Nach den folgenden Regeln ist das Gitter in 9 verschiedene Rigionen unterteilt, wobei jede Region 9 Zellen enthält:
1. Geben Sie in jede Region eine Zahl von 1 bis 9 ein und stellen Sie sicher, dass jede Zeile, Spalte und Region keine wiederholten Zahlen enthält.
2. Ein weißer Kreis zeigt an, dass die 4 umgebenden Zellen zu derselben Region gehören. Alle weißen Kreise sind angegeben.
3.Wenn eine Zelle nur eine benachbarte Zelle in derselben Region hat, werden die Zahlen in beiden Zellen außerhalb des Gitters in Richtung der benachbarten Zelle angegeben (in der richtigen Reihenfolge).

This is the main course.

Click enter Penpa+Thanks Dandelo.

Sample picture.If you need practice, you can try this question. :)

Click enter Penpa+ Thanks SirWoezel.

“老子”(Lao Zi),was born in Kuxian County of Chu State in the late Spring and Autumn Period of Zhou Dynasty in China (571 BC-471 BC), one of the world's one hundred historical celebrities, ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher,literary and historian, founder and main representative of Taoist school.In Taoism, he is revered as the ancestor of Taoism, and he is called "the Great Laojun." The core of Laozi's thinking is simple dialectics, which advocates the rule of doing nothing, teaching without saying, and the principle of the opposite. Lao Tzu is the ancestor of Taoism's dual cultivation of both life and life. Author of "Tao De Jing" (also known as "Lao Zi"), is one of the world's most widely published works.

Lösungscode: In der Leserichtung (von oben nach unten, von links nach rechts), dem Inhalt des unregelmäßigen Bereichs, in dem sich R6C8 befindet, und dem Inhalt des unregelmäßigen Bereichs, in dem sich R8C6 befindet, insgesamt 18 Gitter (z. B. in der Beispiel: Der Inhalt des unregelmäßigen Bereichs, in dem sich R3C4 und R5C4 befinden: 12364754231567).

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juli 2021, 09:30 Uhr

Gelöst von Jesper, Dandelo, polar, marcmees, rimodech, MagnusJosefsson, NikolaZ, Statistica, purpl, misko, Uhu, zorant, Mark Sweep, Mody, AnnaTh, Realshaggy, derKrampus, akamchinjir, flyjim, RyanDuarte56
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Zuletzt geändert am 22. Januar 2021, 10:40 Uhr

am 22. Januar 2021, 10:37 Uhr von cdwg2000

Thank you for your feedback. It is true that there is a big difference between this series and BDblock, the author has tried the "black △" symbol and "white ○" symbol to indicate "same regions" and "three different regions" in "墨子", similar to the "black dots" of BDblock "T" or "X" division. Of course this is just an attempt. Use "white dots" to indicate the same regions and "black △" to indicate different regions. This is where this series borrowed, so you can try further.

am 22. Januar 2021, 10:22 Uhr von Dandelo
BTW, I don't agree, that the next series is really based on bdblock. The rules look similar, but the character of the puzzle type is completely different.

am 22. Januar 2021, 10:17 Uhr von Dandelo
I see no problem with the solution code. I would keep it as it is.

I suppose most users will use penpa+. I suggested to Swaroop to let the author write the success message. Then you could give the solution code there, and the solvers could copy and paste it. If this is included in a future release, such problems will be solved.

am 22. Januar 2021, 10:13 Uhr von cdwg2000
The author "真笑(洪卫华)" produced this Chaos Construction series in 2017, and the idea is not necessarily very mature.If you like, you can use these rule sets to make some different puzzles, thank you very much!

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Januar 2021, 10:01 Uhr

am 22. Januar 2021, 09:58 Uhr von cdwg2000

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! In the process of testing this series of puzzles, I found that even after filling in all the numbers, it may not be possible to determine a specific area, and further reasoning must be made through the rule set. I think this is very interesting. The "庄子" and "惠子" in this series are more obvious. So I decided to verify the answer based on "all the contents of the area corresponding to a specific cell".

I am not sure whether this method of answer submission is necessary, so I welcome more effective and concise answer submission methods.

am 22. Januar 2021, 09:37 Uhr von SirWoezel
Marcmees -I think- wrote about this a week ago. Part of solving this puzzle type is that you find out the exact shape of the regions. Actually: in some of these puzzles you find all the numbers in the grid before you know which cell goes in which region.

I agree with Marcmees that this is a very valid reason to keep these solution codes the way they are.

am 22. Januar 2021, 09:22 Uhr von Statistica
I like the puzzle-type, but I think the code is too complicated. Why don't you ask for entire rows or columns as usual?

am 21. Januar 2021, 04:23 Uhr von cdwg2000
Added Chaos construction tags.

am 19. Januar 2021, 10:36 Uhr von cdwg2000
Repaired title,From Phistome's "https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0004D4".

am 19. Januar 2021, 00:00 Uhr von cdwg2000

I am glad you like this series, thank you for your kind feedback. "Laozi" is indeed easier than "Zhuangzi". The next series may draw on the puzzle "Bdblock" and create around "△" and "○".

am 18. Januar 2021, 23:54 Uhr von cdwg2000

Thank you very much for your suggestions on the name of the puzzle. I would like to learn from Phistomefel's Chaos Construction (ID=0004D4), or Jigsaw Construction, Irregular Construction. If you have better suggestions, please let me know, thanks again!

am 18. Januar 2021, 22:38 Uhr von Dandelo
I agree with the others. Challenging, but not too hard. And, as always, a nice solution path.

I think 老子 is different from 庄子, but since I don't understand Chinese I couldn't see the type from the title. Maybe you should add German and/or English titles. IMHO "divided area" is too general. Usually for such puzzles, where you first have to construct the grid, the name contains "reconstruction".

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Januar 2021, 17:31 Uhr

am 18. Januar 2021, 16:08 Uhr von marcmees
from 7x7 to 9x9 without warning :-) ... very refreshingly new and entertaining series. thanks

am 18. Januar 2021, 14:46 Uhr von polar
Lovely series, thank you!

am 18. Januar 2021, 12:51 Uhr von cdwg2000
Added Penpa+ link.

am 18. Januar 2021, 11:57 Uhr von Dandelo
Penpa+ https://git.io/JtIyv

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