Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mystery box Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 16. Januar 2021, 12:03 Uhr von bigger)

Old Miles was setting puzzles the other day. He circled every digit in the box that said the box number. He went out for a walk with a mask (it's covid time, stay save), and in came Miles Jr. The kid saw the puzzles, but he can't made sense of the numbers. Frustrated, he grabbed a scissor and sliced the puzzle through the box border. Even worse, he discovered the eraser. Suddenly, he heard Old Miles footsteps, coming nearer and nearer. Feared dooming the perfect child image he strived so hard to create, the kid grabbed a glue and sticked the remain up as a puzzle. Old Miles didn't notice it and here's what I get.

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the right grid with numbers from 1 to 4 or 6 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and box.

The digit in the circle is the real box number. Rearrange the boxes on the left and stack it on the right.

The box number starts top left and ends bottom right. The top left box is always box 1 and the digit in the circle in box 1 is 1. (The background is box 1 to 6 in Chinese)

One more, why not

This puzzle is made by Old Miles from China. It's an upgrade version of mystery row Sudoku, which you can guess by the name. Right now I'm editing on my cellphone. So I'm kind of not going to make a story juicy enough to guess the actual rule. If you guys think the story can explain itself, I will remove the actual rule part. BTW, That's exactly why his name is Old Miles.

Lösungscode: First row and first column of the 4X4, then the 6X6. Only submit the rearrangeed one. (20 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 30. September 2022, 21:46 Uhr

Gelöst von marcmees, Fedo , SKORP17, zorant, NikolaZ
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