Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

红葉puzzles(PP52): Heyawake002

(Eingestellt am 6. Januar 2021, 15:51 Uhr von cdwg2000)

Authorized by the author 红葉(MOMIJI), he plans to publish his hand-made standard puzzles on this website, with 1 to 2 questions per week. If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.

Author: 红葉 (MOMIJI), from China, this question comes from his personal blog.


1. A rectangle, bordered by bold lines, is called a "room". Fill in cells under the following rules.
2. The numbers indicate how many painted cells there are in a room. Rooms with no number may have any number of painted cells.
3. White cells cannot stretch across more than two rooms in a straight line.
4. Painted cells cannot be connected horizontally or vertically. White cells must not be separated by painted cells.


Nikoli linkfor an example.

Click to enter PZV link

Click to enter Janko web

Lösungscode: For each row from top to bottom the number of black cells.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juli 2021, 09:19 Uhr

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Bewertung:83 %
Gelöst:75 mal
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Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

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