Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A walk in the park

(Eingestellt am 28. Dezember 2020, 17:32 Uhr von PrimeWeasel)

I felt really disheartened after my last puzzle and took my dog to the park during the day to clear my head. She sensed my sadness at having made a complicated puzzle with such few solves, but frankly, she was glad to be out and about, for the past few nights she'd been smelling a new scent on several trees. She was curious to find out to whom exactly this masculine musk belonged to, and it wasn't just the smell that got her attention, the sheer height this dog had managed to reach on the tree was impressive. He must be a big boy. She was dying to meet him, but that sullen boss of hers had only been taking her out for short walks late at night after endlessly scribbling down random numbers for hours during the day and evening. It had been weeks since they'd gone to the park during the day, for he had discovered this damned puzzle site.
The minute they'd set foot in the park, she knew He was around. Normally she'd sniff all the other butts, but now she was pulling hard on the leash for her boss to hurry up to the children's playground. When they rounded the sycamore, she saw him straight away. A Great Dane, a mighty Dane, a lovely Dane. He was looking right at her, he must have been expecting her. He was wagging his massive tail, his huge ears were fully extended to the sky. He barked for her and immediately started running, dragging his owner through a sand pit with flabbergasted toddlers. She firmly stood her ground. Let him come to her she thought, but her heart was throbbing in her throat, and she could hardly control her tail. He stopped a few feet from her and angled his head slightly. He showed his perfect white teeth and a reddish tongue the size of her boss's socks. She wanted nothing more than to sniff him and marvel in his glory, but she felt the leash round her neck tighten and she heard her boss say: C'mon Lindy, let's go home, I've got a new idea for a puzzle.

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Killer Sudoku rules apply. Digits in a cage sum to the shown sum, digits can not repeat. Sandwich rules apply. Digits sandwiched between 1 and 9 on a row sum to the digit shown outside the grid. Thermo Sudoku rules apply. Digits must ascend in a thermo from the bulb.

A walk in the park

Lösungscode: Lindy and Dane from the ears to the paws. (The digits within the dogs row by row)

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:10 Uhr

Gelöst von Krokant, Fedo , ManuH, Thomster, ArchonE, Ragna, NikolaZ, kyled103, brandon_bot, marcmees, cdwg2000, mackerel, Erwin, samuella, SKORP17, rimodech, donnystam9, amirbeirat, smckinley, jchan18, Uhu, zorant, Julianl, Konzert, PjotrV, grkles, Beedersen, nseydel, geronimo92, Saskia, StefanSch, apwelho, Piatato, Crul, Vebby, mezkur7
Komplette Liste


am 5. September 2024, 11:43 Uhr von mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/db6fqfpqvt

am 15. Februar 2021, 10:57 Uhr von PjotrV
It wasn't a walk in a park, but it was definitely a fun puzzle :)

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:13 Uhr

am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:12 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice,Very easy,Thanks.

~ Thank you. For such an experienced solver as yourself it should indeed be a walk in the park

am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:10 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Clarified Solution code

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Januar 2021, 13:00 Uhr

am 29. Dezember 2020, 10:34 Uhr von marcmees
Not a stroll in the park. Very nice graphics, Very nice to solve.

~Thanks marc. Was it the second part you felt was hard? I think the start is a 1/2 star, but then it becomes a 2/3 star puzzle where you could easily not spot the logic.

The puzzle solves from top to bottom and indeed becomes tougher near the end.
Probably wanted to go too fast hence missing some possibilities. Obviously, on a rerun, things always seem easier.

Although there is an overflow of puzzles, explaining the lack of reaction to your last complicated puzzle, I hope it does not discourage you from publishing similar beauty's in 2021. Happy New year

~ Thanks for the kind words marc. I missed your new addition. It wasn't an actual real discouragement to have just two solvers, I merely used it as a start for my new puzzle.I am a fiction writer in my native language (dutch) and like the benefits of a distorted reality. Unfortunately, I do not own a dog, but I do know someone named Lindy, and she's always sniffing butts. Happy New Year to you as well

HI primeweasel,

Welke boeken heb je al gepubliceerd? Ik heb de voorbije jaren ook geprobeerd enkele waargebeurde verhalen op papier te zetten (ik mis de verbeeldingskracht die fictie nodig heeft)en uitgegeven te krijgen, tot nu toe zonder succes. Expliciet autobiografisch materiaal wordt blijkbaar slechts aanvaard als de auteur ook eerst bekend is bij een breed publiek maar voorlopig blijf ik liever onder die verraderlijke radar.

Ha, kijk aan. Om heel eerlijk te zijn heb ik tot nu toe alleen korte verhalen geschreven die gepubliceerd worden bij het Hollands Maandblad, een literair tijdschrift, en is er nog geen boek verschenen. Daar was wel aanvankelijk wel sprake van, maar de markt voor gebundelde Korte verhalen is zeer beroerd te noemen, en tijd of zin om een roman te schrijven heb ik niet. Uiteindelijk is het streven zeker ooit een gebundeld boek uit te brengen, maar het heeft momenteel geen prioriteit. Vier jaar geleden was ik zeer intensief bezig met schrijven, maar startte tegelijkertijd ook mijn eigen hoveniersbedrijf en dat is qua werkzaamheden de afgelopen 2 jaar zo geëxplodeerd, zeker sinds covid,dat ik amper de rust heb om te schrijven. Wanneer je waargebeurde verhalen op papier zet, zal je inderdaad al een bekende nederlander, influencer of autoriteit moeten zijn om opgepikt te worden, maar onderschat ook zeker niet het belang van je eigen persoonlijke stijl, en overschat tegelijkertijd niet de relevantie van wat je over wilt brengen.

Bekende Vlaming, niet Nederlander :-). Dat de waargebeurde verhalen op maatschappijkritische wijze worden verteld is een bijkomende handicap.

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:17 Uhr

am 29. Dezember 2020, 00:03 Uhr von brandon_bot
Really fun puzzle. Definitely wasn't a walk in the park for me :)

~ Thanks Brandon. Glad you enjoyed it

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:18 Uhr

am 28. Dezember 2020, 19:28 Uhr von Krokant
Lovely puzzle. Fun to solve with a quirky back story. Poor Lindy. ;-)

@Fedo: The grey clues row by row

~Lindy keeps chewing on my socks for some reason

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Dezember 2020, 11:19 Uhr

am 28. Dezember 2020, 19:01 Uhr von Fedo
This sudoku is amazing, every clues work togheter perfectly, thanks!!
Thanks also @Krokant

~Thanks for the feedback Fedo

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:36 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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