Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaotic Wrogn [Tribute to DiMono]

(Published on 28. December 2020, 08:14 by Undar_Beyond)

Inspired and impressed by Dimono's sudoku - Everything is Wrogn, I've made a tribute to his sudoku using a similar ruleset. Enjoy :)
F puzzle link at http://bit.do/ubchaoticwrogn5

Side note: Since I will be having public examinations (HKDSE) on May 2021, this may be the last puzzle before it ends, but I'll be sure to return :)
Remarks: The sudoku is tough and may involve heavy logic, but there is a clear logical path and no bifurcation is needed.

Normal sudoku rules apply but in the final grid, every clue is wrogn (aka invalid).

Clues are valid if: (Everything is totally standard I promise)
-Digits in a killer cage sum up to the number on it's top left
-Clues outside the grid are X-sums or skyscraper clues
[X-sums: Clues show the sum of the first X digits in that direction where X is the 1st digit]
[Skyscraper: The numbers represent the heights of skyscrapers. Clues represent the number of skyscrapers seen from that direction. Taller skyscrapers block shorter ones.]
-Digits on a thermometer increase strictly
-Digits separated by a black dot has a ratio of 1:2
-Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive
-Digits separated by X have a sum of 10
-Digits separated by V have a sum of 5
-All digits in a circle appear in the 4 cells touching it
-Maximum cells are larger than all 4 adjacent cells

Not all clues are necessary and some of them are just there to throw you off.
Umm... there's no positive constraint I will say?? Whatever that means...

If you enjoy such variant, you may try DiMono's sudoku at https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0004CU

Solution code: Insert an 18 digit code of the 5th and 9th row

Last changed on on 28. December 2020, 08:30

Solved by DiMono, NikolaZ, SirWoezel, Yohann, harrison, xiao01wei, cdwg2000, PixelPlucker, dori_polic, polar, geronimo92, euklid, panthchesh, tinounou, LKegel, kuzmoyev, bernhard, thinkingalaud, Madmahogany, ... Wooden_Picks, Fool on Hill, Sewerin, h5663454, Lyun Licuss, LeaVulpina, akamchinjir, Myxo, wisty, Bellsita, Aeterrno Amora, The1Lenny, Sapio, billy49, NEWS, lpq29743, SashaBu, XIAOYING, Mutx, SXH
Full list


on 5. December 2023, 22:47 by Myxo
Beautiful :D

on 5. December 2023, 22:47 by wisty

on 20. October 2023, 08:22 by LeaVulpina
Welp. That was over three hours of going from 123456789 pencil-marked in every cell, painstakingly eliminating the impossible until it was finally solved. Wow. Hats off to you on a masterpiece.

on 4. February 2023, 22:21 by Agent
Absolutely incredible! Each tiny step feels rewarding, and there are so many of them.

on 25. August 2022, 22:03 by Vebby
Awesome! Super enjoyable.

on 22. January 2021, 15:25 by Duarte
Great puzzle, thanks a lot for the upload. Congrats for coming up with it! :)

on 15. January 2021, 08:02 by Madmahogany
Wow! I couldn't do this in one sitting, unbelievable puzzle!

on 30. December 2020, 20:19 by Undar_Beyond
@marcinj They can neither be X sums nor skyscrapers, each clue is independent of each other whether they share a row or column or not.

on 30. December 2020, 18:58 by marcinj
For the clues outside of the grid - for every pair of outside numbers for a given row/column is one of them an x-sum clue and the other one a skyscraper clue, or can they both be of one type, just looking from the other direction?

on 30. December 2020, 02:24 by harrison
That was mesmerizing. Every next step was possible, yet incredibly difficult. And the difficulty did not lessen from beginning to end.

on 29. December 2020, 03:46 by Undar_Beyond
@harrison My variant is a bit different, as long as the thermometer is invalid, it's ok.

Last changed on 29. December 2020, 04:11

on 29. December 2020, 03:05 by harrison
@Undar_Beyond :
In @DiMono's puzzle, the thermometers themselves were valid (ie distinct digits, strictly increasing from bulb end) but the bulb was in the wrong place.

Does your puzzle have the same constraint? Or can the thermometers in this puzzle can be invalid for any reason?

EDIT--Thanks for confirming!!

on 28. December 2020, 23:50 by SirWoezel
Mindboggling. Took me over 2 hours, but it was worth every minute!

on 28. December 2020, 16:22 by DiMono
This is an excellent puzzle for the variant. Very difficult, and very satisfying. Thank you!

Rating:99 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:12 times

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