Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

DU SCHAFFST ES Buchstabenrätsel / Letter puzzle

(Published on 27. December 2020, 10:29 by DocLogic)

DU SCHAFFST ES is the German translation for "YOU CAN DO IT". So why don't you try this puzzle? You can do it :-)

1. In the solution are all 12 letters of DU SCHAFFST ES

2. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the complete alphabet on an edge or corner. Same letters may touch each other

3. The field index numbers of TSCHUESS ("good bye") are rising within the word (but not necessarily directly following each other)

4. In every column is one of the four letters of AFFE ("monkey")

5. In every column is one of the four letters of HAUT ("skin")

6. In one row is the uninterrupted word DU ("you") from left to right

7. Only one of the two following statements is true: Two fields which contain an F touch each other. Two fields which contain an S touch each other

Solution code: the letters in the fields 1-12

Last changed on on 27. December 2020, 11:54

Solved by Zzzyxas, celisa, zuzanina, SKORP17, ManuH, zorant, saskia-daniela, drolli38, hra2065, Ragna, Nothere, AnnaTh, lutzreimer, Katchoo, sandmoppe, Dandelo, CJK, Jadzia-Dax, Grisinor, skywalker, Matt, ... myothername, Saskia, SAMT, CH-Resi, nseydel, MiaZK7, Mark Sweep, Tyche , Raistlen, Drawoon, Hippologicus, jogerth, dragoond, lanark, Dolores_N, Jordan Timm, jessica6, marsigel, duckling, drf93
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on 19. November 2022, 16:29 by MiaZK7
auf den zweiten Anlauf ... wie so oft - den richtigen Einstig gefunden ... dann lief's - Danke für den Spaß!

on 14. November 2022, 19:24 by nseydel
Damit ist der Rätselblock von der Spielwiesn abgearbeitet. LG

on 2. March 2021, 23:16 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Schöne Einleitung und schönes Rätsel! :))

Rating:90 %
Solved:70 times
Observed:5 times

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