Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kyudoku Series #7 - Knights

(Eingestellt am 7. Dezember 2020, 23:24 Uhr von Rotstein)

-Every row and column must sum to 9 or less
-Each digit from 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in the finish solution
-If two digits in the finish solution are a knight's move away it must also sum to 9 or less
-The circled number must appear in the finish solution
You have to remove the digits in a way that the rules are fulfilled
You can try this puzzle in your browser by clicking in the link below
Enjoy the puzzle!

Lösungscode: The numbers in the finish solution read from left to right and top to bottom

Gelöst von karen_birgitta, NikolaZ, zorant, ManuH, marcmees, saskia-daniela, SudokuExplorer, Zzzyxas, ropeko, Eggr, Storm, jessica6, MariaL, AsilG, Jesper, dm_litv, DamnedLight, skywalker, ffricke, Ours brun, kopfball, Xavien , Uhu, CHalb, marsigel, Rollo, Matt, misko, ildiko, Mark Sweep, Kekes, brimmy
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 8. Dezember 2020, 19:55 Uhr

am 8. Dezember 2020, 19:54 Uhr von Rotstein
I've been doing other stuff since this is just a hobby, but slowly I will keep extending this series, I'm very glad you are all enjoying :)

am 8. Dezember 2020, 18:27 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@Rotstein: Thanks for extending your lovely series :-)

Bewertung:80 %
Gelöst:32 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Rätselvariante Neu

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