Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sums and Products Killer Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 29. November 2020, 04:46 Uhr von PixelPlucker)

This puzzle is a variant killer sudoku, loosely based on Qodec's Product Killer and udukos' Sums or Products. This time, it's sums and products!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits in cages may not repeat and must sum to the total indicated (or, if a range is indicated, a total within that range). Some cages may have unknown totals.
  • An X between cells indicates that the two adjacent digits are multiplied when calculating the cage total.

For example, the total of the 49-cage would be calculated like this:

49  =  (R7C1 x R8C1) + (R8C2 x R9C2) + R7C2 + R9C1

You can play this puzzle online using f-puzzles or Penpa+. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Column 5, column 6 (18 digits without spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Dezember 2023, 16:34 Uhr

Gelöst von udukos, NikolaZ, zorant, Ragna, Tilberg, Mark Sweep, Sktx, RockyRoer, ThrowngNinja, misko, Philipp Huber, EliasKar, SudokuExplorer, Joseph nehme, Qodec, Henry Greene, Muhammad, grkles, Garford, ... polar, Vebby, Statistica, SSG, cdowell, Elliott810, jkuo7, fjam, mse326, OGRussHood, kulich, DillyK, faisalaak, Yaksic, Nylimb, pianobarry87, geronimo92, Studernaldo, Saskia, michaal94, Uhu, ManuH
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 1. Juli 2021, 08:49 Uhr

am 1. Juli 2021, 02:03 Uhr von MatthewDonovan
A very challenging but nice puzzle! Loved the logic. Thanks PixelPlucker!

**Thanks for solving! Glad you enjoyed!

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Mai 2021, 06:42 Uhr

am 6. Mai 2021, 05:10 Uhr von abed hawila
What an incredible puzzle! I loved it!

**Thanks for solving, Hawila! Glad you enjoyed ^^

Zuletzt geändert am 20. April 2021, 16:58 Uhr

am 20. April 2021, 16:57 Uhr von glum_hippo
If people don't particularly like arithmetic, they should do this puzzle. It is so cool in its geometric ideas that you forget all the calculations you thought you might have to do. Splendid puzzle with an unexpected break-in and some marvelous moments along the way.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Februar 2021, 21:06 Uhr

am 8. Februar 2021, 16:13 Uhr von Qodec
Fantastic! More of these please!

**Thanks so much! It means a lot. I've not set something in a while, but we shall see :p

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2021, 22:52 Uhr

am 6. Februar 2021, 22:45 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Very smooth logic! Thanks :-)

**I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for solving :)

am 6. Februar 2021, 20:09 Uhr von EliasKar
What a puzzle! Such an enjoyable solve, loved every step of it. Thanks for sharing!

am 30. Januar 2021, 20:48 Uhr von Philipp Huber
Haha, I can totally related to RockyRoer's comment. I was staring at this for like five to ten minutes, thinking this will be a super annoying pencil mark battle, but their comment kept me motivated. Once I focused on a strategy and quickly found the entry, it was a very smooth solve that was super enjoyable. Thank you!

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Dezember 2020, 04:21 Uhr

am 1. Dezember 2020, 04:16 Uhr von RockyRoer
Loved it -- i couldn't believe that it would be solvable with all the possibilities with multiplications - yet it slowly and surely came together. And that worthless >20 clue!

**Haha, that's great to hear! Glad you enjoyed, Rocky :)

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Dezember 2020, 01:54 Uhr

am 30. November 2020, 17:51 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Very nice variant on the previous product killer sudokus. Quite smooth, good job!

**Thanks so much! Linear and medium difficulty is what I was going for. Glad you enjoyed :)

Zuletzt geändert am 30. November 2020, 05:45 Uhr

am 30. November 2020, 05:33 Uhr von Tilberg
Agreed! Nice solution path around the grid with some cool logic.

Zuletzt geändert am 29. November 2020, 13:06 Uhr

am 29. November 2020, 12:58 Uhr von udukos
This was fun. :)

**Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it :)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:45 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

Lösung abgeben

