Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Word Seach Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 28. November 2020, 03:09 Uhr von XDuncan)

Normal Sudoku rules, but there's letters!
- Letters abcdefgi each appear once in every row, column and region

Chains of words start at the gray letters
- Words can be any orientation (up, down, forward, backward, or diagonal)
- The chain is formed by the edge of a word acting as the start/end of another words with one shared letter. Words can be either forward or backward throughout the chain.
- The number of words in each chain is indicated by the numbers outside the grid, with the direction of the first word indicated by location of the number
- Chains cannot intersect with one another except by a shared first/last letter
- Words may repeat but not all words are used

Here is an example of how the word chains work because I don't think I did a very good job of explaining

Word Bank:
age, ace, acid, bad, bag, bed, beg, bid, big, beach, cab, cage, cafe, chef, chief, dig, deaf, dice, each, fig, face, fade, had, hid, head, hag, ice, idea

Here's the f-puzzle link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yxf36dqp
though I have found difficult to use. You could do 1=a, 2=b and so on if you wanted to.

Lösungscode: Now its word search time!
Find the words not included in the word chains.
Type each word followed by its coordinates (row, column) of the start of the word found in the order that they appear from left to right, top to bottom. (so word,row,col,word,row,col,etc.)
If a word appears more than once enter only the one whose coordinates appear first.
All words in the word bank are used once.
Word bank:
add, bad, beg, bid, big, cab, dig, fed, had, ice

Zuletzt geändert am 30. November 2020, 08:28 Uhr

Gelöst von wisty, Tacosian
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 5. Juni 2024, 07:53 Uhr

am 5. Juni 2024, 07:48 Uhr von Tacosian
Oh my god I did it I can't believe it finally took the solution code

It's a shame that so much about this puzzle is so unclear. It's a neat idea, and I was actually enjoying it for a little bit before it turned into complete insanity.

wisty is amazing for actually being the first solve. I only persevered because wisty proved it is possible.

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Juni 2024, 23:50 Uhr

am 5. Juni 2024, 01:56 Uhr von Wessel Strijkstra
Captain's log - Day 2

The ship's crew is starting to be convinced they have offended the gods in some way. The clearer sky seems only to be supplied to us to have a better look at the rocks in the shallow waters destroying our hull. Several of us have converted to different religions to find a way out. We can only pray..


Captain's log - Day 1

When I left my home to commence this journey, the sky was dark and threatening. Now that we have defied the first waves, and waves they were, the sky seems to start clearing up. When will we start to see the sunshine again? Will we ever?

am 31. März 2023, 03:14 Uhr von wisty
This was a spiritual journey. Thank you so much for sharing

Zuletzt geändert am 29. November 2022, 17:41 Uhr

am 29. November 2022, 17:41 Uhr von Shuhua Milk
Does the word bank mean that only those words can be made? For example, since "fib" isn't in the bank, does that mean "fib" cannot be made?

am 29. November 2022, 17:41 Uhr von Shuhua Milk
Does the word bank mean that only those words can be made? For example, since "fib" isn't in the bank, does that mean "fib" cannot be made?

am 30. November 2020, 08:28 Uhr von XDuncan
Added an example

am 29. November 2020, 16:48 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
I haven't got the faintest idea of what I should be doing here Duncan. Very confusing.

am 28. November 2020, 05:09 Uhr von XDuncan
Clarified rules. Let me know if something is unclear and hopefully I will be able to fix it.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. November 2020, 05:10 Uhr

am 28. November 2020, 05:04 Uhr von XDuncan
@panthchesh the 6 means that there is 6 words total in the chain that starts with a word going down

Zuletzt geändert am 28. November 2020, 15:17 Uhr

am 28. November 2020, 04:31 Uhr von panthchesh
Penpa works better for letters: https://git.io/JkbzG

I did not realize your solution code word bank does is not all listed in the word bank in the above word bank. The words on the top of the grid WILL definitely appear in this one (around to the right) and the ones starting going down are optional.

am 28. November 2020, 03:11 Uhr von XDuncan
forgot the title lol

Gelöst:2 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


Lösung abgeben

