Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XV Antiknight

(Eingestellt am 9. November 2020, 09:22 Uhr von Tom1i)

An easy sudoku for your dinner break :)


  • Basic: Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Anti-Knight: No two cells containing the same digit can be a knight's move apart.
  • XV: Each two orthogonally cells summing to 5 has a V between them. Each two orthogonally connected cells summing to 10 has an X between them. All possible Vs and Xs are shown.
  • Killer: Cells in a cage must sum to the given total (and may not repeat, which is irrelevant here).

Link to puzzle in the Fox editor: PUZZLE

Best of luck :)

Lösungscode: Colum 1 and column 9 without spaces.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. November 2020, 09:39 Uhr

Gelöst von dm_litv, PotatoSlayer, zorant, Uhu, cdwg2000, ArisK, dandbdi, marcmees, soroush, elpadrinoIV, donnystam9, GD20, ManuH, SirWoezel, Tilberg, rimodech, Selsted, SKORP17, zuzanina, Kompetenzpartner, ... Quarterthru, jkl, telliott, 111chrisi, moss, Fedo , apendleton, flaemmchen, fuxia, IAM3, zhergan, Crul, BravoRiton, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, chain.reader, mezkur7, Bobbobert, BenClancy, PinkNickels
Komplette Liste


am 18. November 2020, 01:29 Uhr von jorgenunez
Good puzzle. I have to thank a very famous youtube channel, because I would have given up if not for them. Thanks to constructor as well.

am 9. November 2020, 22:45 Uhr von panthchesh
I hear you like to delete old puzzles. I tend to try to find old puzzles when I'm in such a mood and try them. It's always better not to delete them.

Thanks for the puzzle!

am 9. November 2020, 21:15 Uhr von glum_hippo
That's not how it works. Don't delete your puzzles, there is no good reason to do so. "Save the time of solvers" sounds like a good reason, but it isn't. Solvers will have a good sense about what to spend time on and what not, and your priority should be to respect the time of those who DO want to solve. So: please don't delete your puzzles unless they are actually broken. (I'm not stating a rule.. no one can stop you from unprompted self-censorship... it's just a matter of courtesy)

Zuletzt geändert am 9. November 2020, 18:51 Uhr

am 9. November 2020, 18:31 Uhr von Rollo
It does matter!!! I have some IDs in mind, on a stack so to speak, and it is not nice if it had disappeared, when I want to try it!

@Rollo: I still doubt it would matter for any of mine. I'm still a pretty inexperienced setter. The puzzles I deactivated were very unlikely to ever get another solve. Two hadn't had a new solve in months. If I ever make a puzzle of a good enough quality to warrant people remembering it for an extended period of time, I will leave it activated. I might repost revamped versions of my older ones with links and better descriptions at some point. As they are now, they're just plain embarrassing, and you wouldn't want to solve any of them.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. November 2020, 12:41 Uhr

am 9. November 2020, 12:21 Uhr von ildiko
Will it be deactivated within a few days as your other puzzles (at least five)?

@ildiko: Does it matter? Either you enjoy solving it or you don't.

am 9. November 2020, 09:40 Uhr von Tom1i
Forgot to add solution code :)

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:68 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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