Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Skyscraper Skywalks #2: X

(Published on 9. November 2020, 03:04 by Big Tiger)


Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout. And digits may not repeat on the long diagonals.

Skyscrapers: The number in each cell represents the height of the skyscraper built there. The numbers outside the grid indicate how many skyscrapers can be seen looking at the row or column of the city from that location. Taller skyscrapers block the view of shorter skyscrapers behind them.

Skywalks: Connecting some skyscrapers are skywalks, beginning at the circles and traveling along the grey lines. Skywalks begin and end at the same height, and only pass through skyscrapers that are taller.

There are no restraints upon the digits in the skywalks beyond Standard Sudoku. They may repeat, and they do not have to proceed in any given order. They simply must be greater than the digit in the starting and ending circles.


Setter's Diary :: November 9, 2020 :: I really enjoyed making the first Skywalks puzzle during the summer, but it collapsed quite easily. And since another site member said he'd be interested in a harder version of the same thing, I gave it a shot. It was harder for me to test-solve it, so I'm hoping it provides a decent challenge for interested parties.

Solution code: Row 3, then Row 7

Last changed on on 17. November 2020, 20:48

Solved by smckinley, zorant, Selsted, Jesper, Statistica, marcmees, Skyler, SudokuExplorer, Sktx, bernhard, NikolaZ, ManuH, andrewshen123, Julianl, _chucklehead, skywalker, Willy Wonka, StefanSch, kyled103, synth, Panthera, kublai, SirWoezel, marsigel, sandmoppe, apwelho, zrbakhtiar, SuWi
Full list


Last changed on 10. November 2020, 06:37

on 10. November 2020, 06:35 by glum_hippo

Last changed on 10. November 2020, 02:12

on 10. November 2020, 01:53 by SudokuExplorer
@BigTiger You could use little arrow clues for diagonal clues, and sandwich clues for the other skyscraper clues. You can use the between line to represent your skywalks.

For your penpa+ link, you will need to shorten it, for example via tinyurl.com.
Or you can use this one: https://tinyurl.com/y6n9pjzk

on 10. November 2020, 01:46 by Big Tiger
If someone does know how to create an F-Puzzles version with JUST the outside numbers (all I could find was little killer arrows option), I would welcome either a tutorial, or someone's creating it for me and sharing the link.

on 9. November 2020, 21:07 by marcmees
A very nice challenge.

on 9. November 2020, 20:06 by Statistica
Nice. But harder than expected ;-)

Last changed on 9. November 2020, 20:19

on 9. November 2020, 19:20 by Jesper
Nice job! A lot of fun to solve. I would agree with 3 stars difficulty level.

*** I lost the one I was going to send you for testing! Ah, well, here's this one anyway, ha ha.

Last changed on 9. November 2020, 19:50

on 9. November 2020, 17:58 by SudokuExplorer
I don't quite understand how the skywalks work.
Can 35284 or 1238 or 736127 be skywalks?

*** No, NONE of those can be skywalks. The digits in the cells represent the heights of skyscrapers. Based on that, "skywalks begin and end at the same height" - so the circles at each end will be the same digit. And they only pass through skyscrapers than are taller than that.

356183 couldn't happen because the 1-story skyscraper is lower than 3. 3569453 qualifies because the skywalk only passes through taller buildings.

*** Thanks! That clears things up. At first I thought that we were climbing adjacent skyscrapers (provided that the height increased) until the next skyscraper was lower, and that the final height was the same regardless from which end we started.

Regarding adding a penpa+ link, you will need to shorten the link first (it is too long to hypertext) eg using www.tinyurl.com

Last changed on 9. November 2020, 04:14

on 9. November 2020, 03:49 by fpac
in reference to the skyscrapers, is this a top down view?

*** Yes - The Skyscraper puzzles imagine that this grid is the overhead view of a city full of skyscrapers. But imagine you were standing at, say, the "2" at the top of column 3, at street level, looking south.

The 2 means that from street level looking down that row of buildings, you would only actually be able to see 2 of them: The one right in front of you (column 3, row 1) and a taller one somewhere down that column.

on 9. November 2020, 03:06 by Big Tiger
Working on Penpa link, never done this before.

Rating:93 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:11 times

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