Es gelten die Standard-Sudoku-Regeln.
Es gelten Anti-Ritter-Regeln: Keine zwei Zellen im Raster, in denen sich ein Schachritter auseinander bewegt, dürfen dieselbe Ziffer enthalten.
Zahlen außerhalb des Gitters schneiden sich, um die Positionen bestimmter Ziffern innerhalb des Gitters anzuzeigen. Wenn beispielsweise die Hinweise außerhalb der Zeilen 1 und 5 sowie der Spalten 2 und 7 4s enthalten, gibt es eine 4 bei zwei von R1C2, R5C2, R1C7 und R5C7. Mit anderen Worten, die Hinweise außerhalb des Gitters beschreiben zusammen vordefinierte X-Wings und Schwertfische. Visuelles Beispiel unten und unter Link lösen.
(Übersetzt mit Google Translate)
Lösungscode: Zeile 1, Spalte 9
am 22. Oktober 2023, 04:21 Uhr von DiMono
Fixed puzzle link
am 3. Juli 2021, 13:25 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant puzzle! Enjoyed it very much :)
am 1. November 2020, 19:01 Uhr von DiMono
Added further clarification to the rules.
am 1. November 2020, 05:23 Uhr von cdwg2000
To be honest, the rules are not clearly stated, and the illustrations are not described, so many people have chosen to ignore them, including me.
@cdwg2000 In what way are the rules and illustrations unclear? It's a bunch of predetermined x-wings and swordfishes.
***You just need to explain what the prompt numbers 3 9 on the left side of the first row and the numbers 2 4 8 9 on the top of the fifth column mean. Are they separate clues or interactive clues? There is no explanation in the rules. what is the relationship? What is the relationship with coordinates? What does it have to do with Anti-knight? The legend has no explanation, which makes people very confused. Instead of carrying these questions, it is better to give up.
***Again, it is not an offense!
@cdwg2000 The rules contain an explanation of that: "For example, if rows 1 and 5 and columns 2 and 7 contain 4s, then there is a 4 at two of R1C2, R5C2, R1C7, and R5C7." And the images on the right have a visual representation of satisfying a set of clues, and not satisfying a set of clues. I can edit it to say "if the clues along rows 1 and 5 and [...]" but I'm not sure what else I can do here. I am open to suggestions regarding clarity.
@cdwg2000 I have updated the rules to hopefully add clarity to them.
am 31. Oktober 2020, 23:45 Uhr von Tom1i
So sad to see this variant dropping to bottom page 3 without even earning a grade. I really liked it.
am 24. Oktober 2020, 19:15 Uhr von Yohann
Great puzzle ! Very nice way to use the anti-knight rule
@Yohann Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.