Divisible Cage Totals
(Eingestellt am 24. Oktober 2020, 07:32 Uhr von RockyRoer)
The Rules
- Normal killer sudoku rules apply (fill each row/column/box with the digits 1-9) Numbers in cages cannot repeat, and must sum to the total in the upper left corner of each cage.
- In addition, every cage total (including the ones the solver must determine) must be divisible by the first and last numbers in the row or column that contain that cage total. For example, if the cage total in R4C8 is 25, then R4C1, R4C9, R1C8 and R9C8 can only contain 1's and 5's.
- The cage totals must be in the upper left corner for the cages where the total is not given.
The Puzzle:
Link to play on f-puzzles
This puzzle was inspired by
Past Midnight by
Lösungscode: 3rd row and 4th row {18 digits total}
Zuletzt geändert am 24. Oktober 2020, 13:17 Uhr
Gelöst von smckinley, Narayana, rimodech, polmanpoppins, rubbeng, udukos, Yohann, Julianl, ManuH, henter, Player, primovera, GD20, PotatoSlayer, tenaliraman, Jesper, galgamer, bflat, pippilotta, fuxia, ... Nylimb, tubahat, geronimo92, DiMono, MalkoMann, Uhu, Madmahogany, polar, bigger, twobear, Mody, zhergan, misko, Just me, Crul, OGRussHood, Vebby, apwelho, Madoka42, Carolin, Chefofdeath, zrbakhtiar
am 30. Oktober 2020, 23:05 Uhr von Thorsby
Solved this on Cracking the Cryptic.
am 24. Oktober 2020, 13:17 Uhr von RockyRoer
Added tags and Inspiration notes