Encaged Kropki #2 - oops! no cage totals!
(Eingestellt am 21. Oktober 2020, 00:00 Uhr von RockyRoer)
The rules
This puzzle is a sequel to my Encaged Kropki puzzle. If you have not tried that, I highly recommend that first before attempting this one.
- Normal Killer Sudoku rules apply - fill every row/column/box with numbers 1-9. Cages must sum to totals, etc...
- All cage totals are two-digit numbers, that must be determined.
- In addition, every cage contains kropki dots that must be placed by the solver. The exact number of dots of each type are the digits in the cage sum total. For example, a 21 means there are either 2 black dots (2:1 ratio) and 1 white dot (difference of 1) or 2 white dots and 1 black dot. Within a cage, all possible kropki dots would have to be given. Dots between a 1 and 2 could count for either black or white.
The Puzzle:
f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yxaht3wd
Lösungscode: The 2nd row from left to right, followed by the last column from top to bottom. [18 digits total]
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von MagnusJosefsson, Mark Sweep, tenaliraman, Hareeb, cdwg2000, idan5342, ThrowngNinja, marcmees, NikolaZ, PotatoSlayer, puzzlemuncher69, udukos, BcVcB, bigger, zorant, Mody, ibag, twobear, polar, Vebby, Nylimb
am 19. August 2021, 16:46 Uhr von ibag
Schöne Konstruktion - und erstaunlich flüssig zu lösen.
Zuletzt geändert am 22. Oktober 2020, 03:33 Uhram 21. Oktober 2020, 22:33 Uhr von marcmees
very nice. thanks
Reply: You’re welcome! Thanks for suggesting that someone make a sequel!
am 21. Oktober 2020, 10:06 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Very nice! Smoothly flowing logical solution path with well-balanced logical challenges. Nothing too hard, but requires sustained thinking.