Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X stairways

(Eingestellt am 15. Oktober 2020, 11:37 Uhr von Joseph nehme)


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- X Sudoku rules apply: Both main diagonals (Marked by X lines must contain the number 1 to 9 only once).

- Outlined regions are cages. The sum of digits in a cage is given in the top-left and digits cannot repeat.

Link to solve below:
F-puzzle link

Note: The break-in to this puzzle is a bit tricky. After that the puzzle gets easier.
Your feedback, rating and comments are highly appreciated :) Enjoy !

Lösungscode: Row 3 followed by column 8 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Gelöst von ArisK, rimodech, cdwg2000, henter, dm_litv, dance1211, rcg, Lisztes, ThrowngNinja, antiknight, galgamer, Lizzy01, Quarterthru, primovera, MavericksJD, glum_hippo, SeptaCube, Marcos, MB_Cyclist, ... smistry, shafer, Willy Wonka, le bonhomme, fuxia, cfop, twototenth, Vebby, 999ARMEN999, mlkj, apwelho, Playmaker6174, Just me, Megalobrainiac, misko, flaemmchen, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, Toren, AvonD
Komplette Liste


am 18. Oktober 2020, 21:29 Uhr von Joseph nehme
@PrimeWeasel thank you for your feedback. I am glad u enjoyed it

am 18. Oktober 2020, 21:04 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Good puzzle! Enjoyed it a lot!

am 17. Oktober 2020, 20:06 Uhr von Joseph nehme
@Fred Yamred thank you so much.. i am glad you liked it :)

am 17. Oktober 2020, 09:07 Uhr von Fred Yamred
Great puzzle. Loved the break-in. Just amazing!

am 16. Oktober 2020, 08:13 Uhr von Joseph nehme
Thank you guys. I am glad you liked it. Appreciate your comments and feedback. Cheers :)

am 15. Oktober 2020, 22:51 Uhr von MorganFreeee
Holy Break-In batman!

am 15. Oktober 2020, 21:28 Uhr von Qodec
What an elegant break-in, liked it very much!

am 15. Oktober 2020, 17:05 Uhr von glum_hippo
Clever, I enjoyed it

am 15. Oktober 2020, 16:04 Uhr von antiknight
The break in is beautiful ! Nice puzzle

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:75 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

Lösung abgeben

