Six Pathway-Linked Puzzles
(Eingestellt am 22. September 2020, 15:36 Uhr von Genomico)
This is one large puzzle, consisting of six different 6x6 puzzle variants, which are all linked by a pathway that travels through all puzzles.
In each puzzle cells have to be colored.
The total grid contains a closed loop of colored cells (the big pathway) that travels through all 6 puzzles and visits each puzzle exactly once. The big pathway travels horizontally and vertically and doesn't cross or overlap itself and it doesn't touch itself, not even diagonally, not even across puzzle borders (see example).
The doppelblock, pathway puzzle, japanese sums and odd snake sudoku
may contain colored cells that are not part of the big pathway, but these extra colored cells may not touch the pathway, not even diagonally (see example).
Rules per puzzle:
Doppelblock: Fill the grid with colored cells and digits from 1 to 4, so that each row and column contains each digit exactly once as well as two colored cells. The numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits between the two colored cells in the respective row or column.
Tapa: Color some cells so that all colored cells are connected. Cells with numbers cannot be shaded. Numbers in a cell indicate the length of consecutive colored blocks in the neighboring cells. All colored cells are part of the big pathway.
Pathway: Color some cells and draw a single closed loop through all remaining white cells. The loop travels horizontally and vertically and doesn't cross or overlap itself. Clues outside the grid indicate the number of colored cells in the corresponding row or column. Colored cells may touch each other orthogonally.
Japanese sums: Enter digits from 1 to 4 into the grid, so that each digit appears at most once in each row and column, and color the remaining cells. The numbers outside the grid describe the contents of the respective row or column. Each number corresponds to a contiguous group of digits (possibly a single digit) and indicates the sum of these digits. Two such groups are separated by one or more colored cells. The numbers outside are shown in correct order.
Odd snake sudoku: Place the digits 1-6 in every row, column and 2x3-block. Color a one cell wide snake in the grid that travels through cells with odd digits. The snake is not allowed to touch itself, not even diagonally. The complete snake is part of the big pathway. It is possible that some cells with odd digits are not part of the big pathway, but they may not touch the snake/pathway, not even diagonally.
Snake: Color a one cell wide snake in the grid. The snake is not allowed to touch itself, not even diagonally. The numbers outside the grid indicate the number of cells occupied by the snake in the respective row or column. The complete snake is part of the big pathway.
The puzzle is also available on
Below on the left a 4x4x4 example. The example on the right is to illustrate that colored cells (either part of the big partway or not) cannot touch the big pathway even across puzzle borders. So when the big pathway follows the green cells, the red cells cannot be colored.

And here the puzzle. Enjoy solving! :)
Lösungscode: The 2nd row of Doppelblock (use 0 for a colored cell), followed by:
the 4th row of Tapa (use 0 for a colored cell and X for an empty cell), followed by:
the 2nd row of Pathway (use 0 for a colored cell and 1 for a uncolored cell with a part of the loop), followed by:
the 5th row of Japanese sums (use 0 for a colored cell), followed by:
the 4th row of Odd snake sudoku (6 digits), followed by:
the 3rd row of Snake (use 0 for a colored cell and X for an empty cell).
36 characters in total.
Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2021, 21:15 Uhr
Gelöst von qiuyanzhe, cdwg2000, apiad, NikolaZ, MagnusJosefsson, Jesper, smckinley, ArchonE, Laje6, marcmees, FzFeather, puzzler05, Gliperal, ffricke, Zzzyxas, Uhu, PreparingFiles, Ours brun, bob, Jaych, Nensche777, ibag, moss, Mody, misko, zorant, Maxst0f, Mark Sweep, darksida, starelev5, polar, Vebby, KNT, ManuH, Mitsunari
am 11. Februar 2021, 19:29 Uhr von rubbeng
I like it! But most difficult is solution code
am 31. Januar 2021, 17:31 Uhr von ibag
am 23. September 2020, 12:58 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Very nice and interesting. A lot of the logic was new to me. In particular, the odd snake sudoku concept really took some patience to get the hang of.
am 22. September 2020, 18:04 Uhr von cdwg2000
I like it,thanks.