Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 16. September 2020, 18:59 by Geelow98)

  • Cells separated by a knight's move or king's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
  • Consecutive digits cannot lie in two cells connected orthogonally (i.e. sharing an edge).
  • Cells connected at the corners by a circle must contain the numbers within the circle.

The standard Sudoku rules apply.

Have a crack at this one and tell me what you think! Spread the word and don't forget to rate it!

If you enjoyed this puzzle, be sure to check out NASDAQ I


Solution code: Row 5, left to right (no spaces or commas).

Last changed on on 2. October 2020, 18:20

Solved by Ours brun, SKORP17, shinkimancer, MavericksJD, Kompetenzpartner, Greg, ThrowngNinja, glum_hippo, NikolaZ, amirbeirat, Debrutsid, Julianl, spxtr, meowzzz, saskia-daniela, rimodech, zhergan, Pseudonym, ... morgannamodeaura, fuxia, cfop, ParaNox, jalebc, mutex, jguer, PinkNickels, chain.reader, MB_Cyclist, avahales, S4K, snoswal, ForzaFcu, Iluvsodah, lubosh, KatiBru, Schesam, Gotroch, tgstar, Carolin
Full list


on 2. October 2020, 18:20 by Geelow98
updated link

on 23. September 2020, 16:22 by Geelow98
new link

on 18. September 2020, 16:03 by Geelow98
TO everyone who tried this puzzle, I apologize for the error! The puzzle now has only one solution and not 2!

on 18. September 2020, 16:01 by Geelow98
updated puzzle

Last changed on 18. September 2020, 16:05

on 18. September 2020, 15:42 by wilsig
Got a (seemingly correct) solution, but code was not accepted. Maybe you could accept both of the possible codes.
The puzzle was nice, but quite hard for me.

@ wilsig Thank you for the feedback! I have fixxed the issue so the puzzle is functioning properly.

on 18. September 2020, 05:30 by panthchesh
Your puzzle does have 2 solutions. Might want to fix that up....

Last changed on 18. September 2020, 16:04

on 17. September 2020, 19:07 by Rickert04
Beautiful puzzle, i hope that more will follow

@Rickert04 Thank you for the kind words! I will be releasing a puzzle like this again soon :)

on 17. September 2020, 01:19 by zhergan
Yes. One can switch between two solutions. One more digit must be given even if it breaks the symmetry of the givens..

on 16. September 2020, 23:04 by meowzzz
Yer, I also see 2 solutions.

on 16. September 2020, 21:22 by glum_hippo
Exactly two solutions, by my count.

on 16. September 2020, 21:18 by Greg
This has multiple solutions.

on 16. September 2020, 19:00 by Geelow98
link change

Rating:63 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:10 times

English knowledge Chess

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