Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Kropki Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 6. September 2020, 17:16 Uhr von Willy Wonka)

There has been some incredible number-less puzzles made in recent weeks and this is my attempt to make a sudoku which follows this theme. I hope you enjoy!


Normal sudoku rules apply. Every row, column and box must contain the digits from 1-9.

Killer sudoku rules apply. Within each cage, digits cannot repeat and must sum to the a total value which must be determined by the solver.

Additionally, a white dot exists between all cages where the cage totals have a difference of 1, and a black dot exists between all cages where the cage totals have a ratio of 2. All dots are given.

Solve in SudokuPad here.

Solve in F-Puzzles here.

As always, your comments and ratings are very much appreciated! Happy solving :)

Lösungscode: Row 9 and column 9

Zuletzt geändert am 28. April 2024, 04:37 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, xjolm, RockyRoer, NikolaZ, MumboJumbo, polar, wenchang, marcmees, bosjo, bflat, abed hawila, Alexander Rappa, ThrowngNinja, Nylimb, Bianca, benjamin172, puzzlemuncher69, pdebruine, SirWoezel, ... udukos, zhergan, Panthera, karen_birgitta, 97johny, Ragna, bigger, Philipp Huber, zorant, Statistica, Mody, Rollo, Uhu, Crul, cfop, Just me, OGRussHood, apwelho, ManuH, Calesch, AvonD, Sewerin
Komplette Liste


am 28. April 2024, 04:37 Uhr von Willy Wonka
Updated online solving links

am 14. Juni 2021, 16:26 Uhr von Rollo
Große Klasse!

am 24. Januar 2021, 19:33 Uhr von Philipp Huber
Very nice! Had to solve this as I just created one with the same ruleset and only now found this thanks to some helpful members of the discord server. Still quite a different approach from mine, so I might upload mine soon as well.

am 5. Dezember 2020, 19:47 Uhr von 97johny
It's very interesting how the difficulty remains consistent throughout the solve. It really feels like a collection of multiple problems of the similar difficulty. It was very cool. Thank you.

Zuletzt geändert am 7. Dezember 2020, 10:42 Uhr

am 3. Dezember 2020, 16:32 Uhr von Panthera
A properly enjoyable puzzle, this. I've watched so much content from Cracking The Cryptic these past few months that I've actually started to have ideas of my own (as dangerous as that is!) and when I wondered whether or not anyone had done this before... well, I shouldn't have been surprised to find that someone like you had already knocked it out the proverbial park. I particularly liked some of the ways I had to use the negative constraint, even if I did keep forgetting it and the most inconvenient times!

@Panthera I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Don't let me stop you from making a puzzle of this ruleset, I would absolutely love to see another creation using these constraints. I will keep my eyes open for it :)

Zuletzt geändert am 6. September 2020, 23:52 Uhr

am 6. September 2020, 20:07 Uhr von Greg
Excellent puzzle. I've been trying to create a puzzle with this rule-set for a few weeks but kept failing to make it interesting, but you've pulled it off here wonderfully.

@Greg very glad you enjoyed it! Thank you :)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:47 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


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