Red and Blue Masyus?
(Eingestellt am 2. September 2020, 07:00 Uhr von athin)
Lösungscode: It is a 4-letters word, taken from 4 particular cells hinted in the puzzle.
Zuletzt geändert am 2. September 2020, 07:24 Uhr
Gelöst von dm_litv, CHalb, Dandelo, ropeko, saskia-daniela, Voyager, stefliew, Lizzy01, NikolaZ, rimodech, moss, Zzzyxas, Mody, ffricke, r45, Statistica, Rollo, Joo M.Y, zorant, skywalker, jessica6, Dotty, ... AnnaTh, Toastbrot, ch1983, Thomster, ManuH, misko, ChristJan, timjamiller, Max Euwe, zuzanina, Raistlen, rob, montelucci, Penzo, Saskia, Banana, AstralSky, cdwg2000, h5663454, Echatsum, Torvelo