Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Value Killer Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 30. August 2020, 07:18 Uhr von Willy Wonka)

It's time for a Killer Sudoku... with a twist!


Normal sudoku rules apply. Every row, column and box must contain the digits from 1-9.

Normal killer sudoku rules apply. Within each cage, digits cannot repeat and must sum to the given total in the top-left corner.

A single digit from 1-9 is worth twice its normal value throughout the entire grid, and is therefore counted twice if it appears in a killer cage. This digit is to be determined by the solver.

Here is an 6x6 example to demonstrate the last rule. Notice that the digit 5 is counted as a 10 in all killer cages. Try the example puzzle in SudokuPad.


And now for the actual puzzle.

Solve in SudokuPad here.

Solve in F-Puzzles here.

Your comments and ratings are always appreciated! I hope you enjoy the puzzle :)

Lösungscode: Row 5 and column 5

Zuletzt geändert am 28. April 2024, 04:31 Uhr

Gelöst von SlashClaw14, MavericksJD, bflat, niaji, kroutu, ThrowngNinja, CaballeroOscuro, abed hawila, NikolaZ, bosjo, polar, s4argans, cam, harrison, juventino188, geronimo92, panthchesh, jsh, Deepanshu, ... pdebruine, Ragna, rcg, Bianca, benjamin172, LurkingFrog, MumboJumbo, Madmahogany, puzzlemuncher69, PixelPlucker, Djmelee3000, zhergan, tinounou, misko, zorant, Uhu, Mody, apwelho, OGRussHood, AvonD
Komplette Liste


am 28. April 2024, 04:31 Uhr von Willy Wonka
Updated online solving links

am 14. November 2021, 09:28 Uhr von Mody
Tolle Idee

am 22. September 2020, 07:07 Uhr von Djmelee3000
Love this idea and hope to see more!

am 4. September 2020, 21:45 Uhr von cam
Gorgeous. Immensely satisfying.

am 2. September 2020, 10:16 Uhr von bosjo
Great puzzle — a detective story without a murder...

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Arithmetikrätsel

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