Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Teams Sudoku - Counts or Sums?

(Eingestellt am 17. August 2020, 20:00 Uhr von stephane.bura)

This is a new entry in my Teams series. Enjoy!

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits are split into two teams: A and B. You have to find which digits belong to each team.

An arrow in a white cell containing a digit from team A indicates that this digit is the sum of the digits from team B in that direction.
An arrow in a gray cell containing a digit from team A indicates that this digit is the number of digits from team B in that direction.

An arrow in a white cell containing a digit from team B indicates that this digit is the number of digits from team A in that direction.
An arrow in a gray cell containing a digit from team B indicates that this digit is the sum of the digits in gray cells in that direction (from teams A and B).

Note: All the possible arrows are given but the negative constraint is not useful in this puzzle.

Many thanks to @Yohann and @stefliew for helping test and improve this puzzle.

Penpa+ link for this puzzle to play it online.


Lösungscode: Column 2, column 3

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Yohann, MavericksJD, Jesper, Filto, NikolaZ, Mody, marcmees, Tojvoh, udukos, SquaringSquirrel, polar, zhergan
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 8. Oktober 2021, 12:22 Uhr

am 8. Oktober 2021, 11:49 Uhr von polar
Brilliant puzzle! Thank you

Edit: Happy to see this get rated! :)

So am I :)

Zuletzt geändert am 22. August 2020, 12:32 Uhr

am 22. August 2020, 12:28 Uhr von Tojvoh
What a fantastic puzzle! Loved and enjoyed every single bit of it from start to finish!

Stéphane: Thanks Tojvoh :)

am 21. August 2020, 18:58 Uhr von marcmees
Amazing puzzle. Thanks Stephane. I consider myself warmed up for Richards upcoming teamsudoku on SVS.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. August 2020, 11:58 Uhr

am 19. August 2020, 11:47 Uhr von Mody

Stéphane: Thanks Mody :)

am 18. August 2020, 08:01 Uhr von Filto
Great puzzle!

am 17. August 2020, 23:15 Uhr von Jesper
I really like the Teams series, but my favourite is still the first one.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:12 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal


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