Lösungscode: Rows 2 and 8.
am 12. August 2020, 18:58 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@Narayana Yes, that was the intended first spot to look and it does open it all up.
am 12. August 2020, 18:56 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@Rosaly Thanks for solving!
am 12. August 2020, 13:17 Uhr von Rosaly
Very logical solution, thank You!
am 11. August 2020, 23:16 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@OmeWappie Thanks! Yeah it's probably a low 3 star, but it depends on if you spot some of the tricks.
am 11. August 2020, 14:20 Uhr von OmeWappie
Loved it! Actually the first 3 star puzzle I've ever solved in my life lol
am 11. August 2020, 05:51 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@panthchesh Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was my second ever puzzle and I was surprised by it too.
am 11. August 2020, 05:16 Uhr von panthchesh
I was very surprised at the beauty of the logic here!! Very nice! :)