1. In the solution are all 6 letters of AUGUST
2. In the solution are all 6 letters of URLAUB (German word for "vacation")
3. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner. Same letters may touch each other.
4. In one row or column is USA in direct sequence (from left to right or from top to bottom)
5. The sum of the field index numbers of BAR is 20
6. Exactly one of the three following statements is true: In field 3 is a consonant. The T is in the right column. Directly left of the G is the R
Solution code: row after row from left to right
on 27. May 2024, 18:13 by Lili Lavender
Super Rätsel für Buchstabensalat-Neulinge :-)
on 4. August 2020, 11:53 by DocLogic
Danke für die in Summe 3.000ste eingeloggte Lösung meiner Rätsel. Thanks for the 3000th solution of my puzzles! Keep enjoying all puzzles in this portal!
on 4. August 2020, 10:28 by Rollo
Upper or lower case, that does not matter at all.
on 4. August 2020, 05:47 by panthchesh
Answer should be entered LOWER CASE :)
on 2. August 2020, 17:37 by Ragna
Wie immer schön schnuckelig :-))
on 1. August 2020, 10:12 by ManuH
Genau das richtige zum Frühstück! :)