Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

EUROPA - Buchstabenpyramide / letter pyramid

(Published on 17. July 2020, 17:07 by DocLogic)

The puzzle consists of 6 levels (a – f), in which there are fields with index numbers 1 – 6. In the solution are 21 different letters of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

Preface: No letter touches a neighboring letter in the alphabet.

1. The each 6 letters of EUROPA and BERLIN are to be placed in a way that there is exactly one letter of each word in each level.

2. The each 5 letters of PARIS and ATHEN are to be placed in a way that there is exactly one letter of each word in 5 levels.

3. The each 4 letters of GENF, PRAG and WIEN are to be placed in a way that there is exactly one letter of each word in 4 levels.

4. Each letter of ROM touches at least one other letter of this word (in no fixed order).

5. All 6 letters of DUBLIN are in 6 of the 15 outer fields.

6. The letters X, Y and Z are in the same level.

7. In the alphabet the letter in field d2 comes directly before the letter in field e4.

8. In the alphabet the letter in field d3 comes directly before the letter in field e5.

9. In the alphabet the letter in field e2 comes directly before the letter in field f4.

10. Only one of the two following statements is true: The E is in level d. The N is in a field with index number 4.

11. Only one of the two following statements is true: The letters K and L are in the same level. The M is in level c.

12. Only one of the two following statements is true: The sum of the field index numbers of R and Z equals the index number of the Y. The sum of the field index numbers of A and L equals the index number of the I.

13. Only two of the four following statements are true: In field c2 is no letter of HAMBURG. In field f1 is a vowel. In field f3 is the G. The fields with H and X have the same index number.

Solution code: level c and then level f

Last changed on -

Solved by SKORP17, Zzzyxas, advuser, Ragna, AnnaTh, zuzanina, ch1983, zorant, hra2065, drolli38, geronimo92, ManuH, celisa, Nensche777, Katchoo, Teck, Grisinor, Ms.Logic-FEAR, Krümelmonster, Dotty, Luigi, janedoe, Jadzia-Dax, Nothere, Tiffy011, Nr.2, night83, ildiko, ffricke, Hippologicus, SAMT, CH-Resi, myothername, Lili Lavender
Full list


on 9. June 2024, 21:21 by Lili Lavender
GENIAL :-)! Hat mir sehr gut gefallen dieses Buchstabenrätsel, DANKESCHÖN :-)

on 25. June 2021, 14:54 by Nr.2
Die Mittagspause ist jedenfalls zu kurz, um dieses Rätsel an einem Tag zu lösen. Hat Spaß gemacht und macht Lust auf Urlaub :-)

on 22. October 2020, 15:49 by Dotty
Not so hard

on 17. October 2020, 00:05 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Schwer, aber sehr schön verzwickt :)

on 7. August 2020, 16:20 by geronimo92
Just dont try this puzzle when it is 35 degrees outside (longer to solve either)

on 4. August 2020, 15:57 by zorant
Great puzzle!

on 19. July 2020, 18:42 by AnnaTh
Auch beim zweiten Lösen schön schwer

Rating:96 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:2 times

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