Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pivot Sudoku - All along the watchtower

(Eingestellt am 18. Juli 2020, 20:10 Uhr von stephane.bura)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

If a cell contains arrows and its digit is N, the sum totals of the N digits in the directions of the arrows of the same color are all equal.

For a given cell, arrows of different colors point to different sum totals.

Some possible arrows are not given.

Penpa-Edit link for this puzzle to play it online.

Thanks to the CTC Discord community and especially CilantroGamer for their help with testing this puzzle.


Lösungscode: Column 2, column 8

Gelöst von NikolaZ, udukos, Jesper, Eggr, Yohann, donut and chicken, Saugust2, Julianl, zorant, Mody, Zzzyxas, marcmees, Workout9, Nothere, geronimo92, bob, stefliew, ManuH, polar
Komplette Liste


am 12. August 2020, 22:49 Uhr von bob
I agree, really nice.

am 19. Juli 2020, 13:12 Uhr von Mody
Tolle Variante

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:19 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


Lösung abgeben

