Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fillomino-ish Killer Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 25. November 2020, 16:21 Uhr von SirWoezel)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply, so each row, column and 3x3-box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

- Normal Killer Sudoku rules apply: digits don't repeat in cages and the digits in a cage add up to the number given in the top left cell. The entire grid has to be filled with cages with minimal sizes of 2 cells. The sum of a cage may already be given (question marks indicate an unknown sum, which may be any number of digits). The sum of each cage is given in the leftmost cage cell of the highest row in which the cage makes an appearance.

There are two special rules for the cages:

- Every cage must contain exactly one circle. The digit in the circle is equal to the size of the cage.

- Two different cages with the same size may not share a row or a column.

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Have fun solving!

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by row 5.

Zuletzt geändert am 26. November 2020, 16:28 Uhr

Gelöst von Jesper, tinounou, Mark Sweep, marcmees, Player, ArchonE, ThrowngNinja, cdwg2000, bigger, MagnusJosefsson, NikolaZ, kazu, puzzlemuncher69, BcVcB, bernhard, Nylimb, geronimo92, harrison, Eggr, ... moss, zhergan, misko, peacherwu2, StephenR, OGRussHood, akamchinjir, apwelho, michelkraemer, Tacosian, dennischen, Bobbobert, Tom-dz, lizyyy, konklone, Calesch, TitaniaLowe, jinkela114514, steeto
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am 28. Januar 2023, 00:05 Uhr von StephenR
What a beauty. Going through this I realised I had done it a while ago when it was featured on CTC. Happily my solve was much improved this time. Lovely stuff, thanks.

am 7. August 2021, 18:32 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant construction! Extremely satisfying to solve. Thanks SirWoezel!

am 22. Dezember 2020, 18:47 Uhr von Madmahogany
This was brutal, but very satisfying!

am 8. Dezember 2020, 13:48 Uhr von DrWraith
Here is a video of my solution path to this puzzle https://youtu.be/QUzKmPkTLDg

am 29. November 2020, 11:58 Uhr von SirWoezel
Thanks all for the fantastic reviews! Glad I could give something back to this great community.

am 28. November 2020, 15:54 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful puzzle! Very enjoyable and satisfying.

am 27. November 2020, 23:18 Uhr von marcmees
also left once gone down.

am 27. November 2020, 14:08 Uhr von DrWraith
@cdwg2000 thanks :) That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. This is fun so far!

am 27. November 2020, 14:03 Uhr von cdwg2000

Like the sign of Killer Sudoku, the killer area can only extend downward and to the right.

am 27. November 2020, 13:39 Uhr von DrWraith
@Tigerhu - yes, that's what I was referring to. So have I read these rules correctly? I can use the "starting" positions of these cages to restrict (in some manner) the directions it can grow?

am 27. November 2020, 13:01 Uhr von DrWraith
I have a question about the rules. You specify very clearly the position of the sum clue in each cage. Just to be clear, the shown "starting points" of these clues must be the cage with the clue, even after the cage expanded? For example, this means no cage can ever expand upwards from its starting point. Is that correct?

Zuletzt geändert am 27. November 2020, 10:51 Uhr

am 27. November 2020, 10:27 Uhr von cdwg2000
Hard one,absolutly 5 stars.

I notice it's pretty hard to judge the difficulty of a puzzle I created myself. Things don't seem that complicated after thinking about them for hours, I guess. But thanks for the feedback!

***Very good, especially for people who don’t know much about Fillomine puzzle types. I am happy to give star5 and rate5 ratings.

am 27. November 2020, 03:24 Uhr von ArchonE
This was the most fun I've had on a puzzle that took me an hour and a half. So many interesting points of logic to figure out--thank you!

am 26. November 2020, 22:34 Uhr von SirWoezel
Wow, thanks Marcmees. You made this a happy day.

am 26. November 2020, 19:10 Uhr von marcmees
Finally got it. The double question marks got me distracted at first, but after restarting a few times on this tricky challenge, it turned out one of the most beautiful puzzles solved so far. thanks. Bedankt.

am 26. November 2020, 16:28 Uhr von SirWoezel
Adjusted wording of rules and title as to Mark Sweep's suggestion

am 26. November 2020, 16:20 Uhr von SirWoezel
Glad you enjoyed it, Mark. And thanks for the good suggestions. I'll use them to rephrase the rules (and title) so they're more clear.

am 26. November 2020, 12:13 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Great puzzle! Enjoyed unravelling all the logic a lot.

am 26. November 2020, 03:36 Uhr von SirWoezel
Added a line about double questionmarks not meaning the sums have to be double digits. They just mean the sums are unknown

am 25. November 2020, 17:21 Uhr von SirWoezel
Added the rule that all cells are in one of the cages

am 25. November 2020, 17:20 Uhr von SirWoezel
Ah, yes that is absolutely correct. I must accidentally have cut that out of the rules here. I’ll add it again...

am 25. November 2020, 16:52 Uhr von Tilberg
In the rules at F-puzzles it sounds like every cell of the grid must be part of one of the cages. Is that correct?

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:54 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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