Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cross the Streams (Nonogram) Odd/Even Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 20. Juni 2020, 05:10 Uhr von Eggr)

Cracking the Cryptic recently posted a video of 3 "Cross the Streams" puzzles (an advanced version of nonograms by Grant Fikes) I was inspired to make it a Sudoku.

The rules are identical to those Simon showcased in his video, with the following additions:
All "Black squares" contain ODD numbers.
All "Green squares" contain EVEN numbers.
Normal Sudoku rules apply.

If you've watched the CtC video, that is all you need to know.

Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
The Odd digits form a single orthogonally-connected group.
No 2x2 region can contain all Odd digits.
Numbers outside the grid represent the groups of connected Odd cells in that row/column in order (either left to right or top to bottom).
A question mark (?) represents a single group of connected Odd cells whose size is unknown (but can't be zero)
An asterisk (*) represents any number of unknown groups of Odd cells, including zero.


Remember Odd digits cannot cover any 2x2 region, and must all be connected. (Even digits don't have these restrictions)
If you're struggling to get started, highlight the text below to reveal some strategy recommendations:
[Hint]1. Remember that basic Sudoku rules require exactly 4 Even digits, and 5 Odd digits to be in each row, box, and column. Many potential configurations can be eliminated based on those restrictions.
2. Starting this puzzle: After coloring each given in the grid based on if it is odd or even, focus on the column clues and how they impact the cell parities in the bottom box.
3. It is possible to logically determine the parity of every single cell in the grid before placing a single digit.

Thanks for playing

Created by: Greg Rodgers Powers

Lösungscode: Rows 3 and 8

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Juni 2020, 06:29 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, stefliew, Pocalypse, Joe Average, NikolaZ, henrypijames, Madmahogany, skywalker, moss, rimodech, KeyserSoze, zorant, logik66, geronimo92, ch1983, bob, Richard, ManuH, Krokant, SebastianSimon, Uhu, misko, skgoal, wawawawa, Jesper, zuzanina, jwmpuz, flyjim, kiwi0710, vmirandaa, ildiko, jw119, TrigOrTreat, Johan, zrbakhtiar, webato, aliciaprobably, Ktt, RubberMittens
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am 9. Februar 2023, 01:57 Uhr von vmirandaa
Penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2yrtqxvg

am 19. Juli 2021, 11:51 Uhr von jwmpuz
What a fantastic, challenging, and satisfying puzzle. Terrific hybrid. Loved it.

am 2. Juli 2020, 03:05 Uhr von bob
Thanks for repeating the critical rules right under the puzzle. They came in handy.

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