Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanische Kryptosummen 1-7, 8x8

(Published on 12. June 2020, 14:43 by pandiani42)

Crypto version of the standard puzzle Japanese Sums with digits in the range 1-7.

The letters and question marks in the clues are to be replaced with digits in the range 0-9. Same letters denote same digits, different letters denote different digits. Question marks are not restricted in this way. Leading zeroes in double-digit numbers are not allowed.

Solution code: Columns 6 and 7, - for a black square

Solved by ibag, dm_litv, Uhu, Mody, pirx, Puzzle_Maestro, r45, rimodech, flaemmchen, Alex, Statistica, marcmees, AnnaTh, Luigi, bob, ch1983, NikolaZ, moss, Zzzyxas, ffricke, zorant, ildiko, KlausRG, zuzanina, Lara Croft, matter, ManuH, CaGr, _chucklehead, misko, Realshaggy, Jesper, polar, Nensche777, Julianl, KNT, PixelPlucker, Nic, cornuto, chrisbee2, puzzler05, Krokant, sandmoppe
Full list


on 17. June 2020, 08:15 by AnnaTh
Schön! Und wohltuend in der aktuellen Flut von Sudoku Rätseln ;-)

on 14. June 2020, 20:28 by marcmees
very nice

on 13. June 2020, 08:32 by Mody
Absolut nicht so leicht, wie es auf den ersten Blick aussah ;)

on 12. June 2020, 16:36 by ibag
Schöner Erstling!

Rating:94 %
Solved:43 times
Observed:8 times

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