Lösungscode: Zeile 5 gefolgt von Spalte 2 als einzelne 18-stellige Zeichenfolge. (Google Translate)
am 19. Februar 2023, 20:09 Uhr von zrbakhtiar
am 19. Juli 2020, 18:50 Uhr von logopolys
Added Penpa link.
am 11. Juni 2020, 15:31 Uhr von logopolys
Clarified that thermometer bulbs are not in the middle of thermometers.
am 11. Juni 2020, 01:09 Uhr von logopolys
Each thermometer contains either all odd digits or all even digits.
am 11. Juni 2020, 00:32 Uhr von dm_litv
All have the same parity.
am 10. Juni 2020, 23:42 Uhr von sf2l
what do you mean with "the digits share odd/even parity"? that in each thermometer with different parity should alternate ABABAB? They should all have the same parity? or that there should be at least one even and one odd digit in each thermometer? Or what?