Here's a sudoku I'm pretty happy about. Not sure how difficult it is, but I would guess about average.
Lösungscode: The numbers in Box 3 (left to right, top to bottom)
am 24. Juli 2024, 16:39 Uhr von steelwool
NB the palindrome is just drawn as a line
Super crayoning fun, many thanks!
am 6. August 2021, 10:23 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant puzzle! Thanks SirWoezel!
Thanks for solving! This oldy always stayed one of my own favourites
am 6. Juni 2020, 11:57 Uhr von skywalker
Excellent and hard!!! Thanks for excellent puzzle.
am 4. Juni 2020, 08:45 Uhr von sf2l
@bob: no magic trick. just normal rules of palindrome sudoku and of magic square
am 3. Juni 2020, 21:48 Uhr von sf2l
very nice but IMHO much harder than average
am 3. Juni 2020, 19:48 Uhr von SirWoezel
Ah, that is very useful to know. Thanks dm_litv!
am 3. Juni 2020, 18:10 Uhr von dm_litv
@SirWoezel: You can edit _his_ hidden comment.
am 3. Juni 2020, 10:12 Uhr von SirWoezel
0123coolkid I'll gladly help you get started, but I don't want to do it in a 'normal comment' as I figure many solvers prefer to find out on their own. And a hidden comment isn't going to help you as you'll have to solve this puzzle first before you can read that.
am 3. Juni 2020, 04:32 Uhr von Yohann
Very nice one :)
am 2. Juni 2020, 19:47 Uhr von glum_hippo
Text, for people who rely on translation software:
-Normal sudoku rules apply
-The numbers outside the grid show the sum of the long diagonals
-The numbers on the grey line form a palindromic sequence from one end to the other
-One of the 3x3 boxes is a 'magic square' (all rows and columns and the two diagonals in this 3x3 box add up to the same number)
Auf Deutsch:
-Es gelten die üblichen Sudoku regeln
-Die Zahlen ausserhalb zeigen die Summe entlang der langen Diagonalen an
-Die Ziffern entlang der grauen Linie bilden ein einzelnes Palindrom von einem Ende zum anderen
-Eines der 3x3 Kasten ist ein 'magisches Quadrat' (alle Reihen und Spalten sowie die zwei Diagonale des 3x3 Kasten summieren zur gleichen Zahl)