Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

KrOops!ki Sudoku °4

(Eingestellt am 30. Mai 2020, 10:15 Uhr von Carrick22)

KrOops!ki Sudoku °4

-Story line-

This machine is really taunting me. Not only it creates the weirdest bugs ever, it even messes up the most important thing about kropki : dots ! I will revamp the whole puzzle-making process in this machine. It is 100% cursed. No doubt.

-End of Story line-

Apply classic Sudoku rules : Each row, column and bold-outlined region must contain the digits 1-9 once.

  • Kropki rules are as follows : when two digits are consecutive, a white dot is placed. When a digit is half the other (e.g. 3/6, 4/8 etc.), a black dot is placed. All possible dots are given. A 1/2 pair can be indicated by either a black or white dot.

In this puzzle however, 5 of the regions decided to swap the colors of the dots : white dots behave as black ones, and vice-versa. It is part of the puzzle to find what regions are color-swapped.

The grey rhombuses indicate a kropki clue for which the color isn't specified.

You can use Penpa-edit for solving it on your browser.

Lösungscode: Row 4, followed by column 1.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von pandiani42, cdwg2000, skywalker, rimodech, Julianl, marcmees, zorant, zuzanina, geronimo92, KlausRG, dm_litv, ManuH, Statistica, ch1983, moss, Zzzyxas, Luigi, NikolaZ, bob, Richard, Krokant, amitsowani, sandmoppe, Rollo, saskia-daniela, Alex, rcg, Crul, zrbakhtiar, vmirandaa
Komplette Liste

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:30 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Rätselvariante Füllrätsel

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